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Posts posted by Adieu

  1. Wow, I really love this. The first track Hourglass has a similar melody to Whisper Fate from Severant and I absolutely love the shit out of that.


    Floating Forest struck me with that scene from Kurosawa's Throne of Blood, the moving forest that approaches the castle, fuuuuuck.



    This is awesome. Kind of sounds like mixing trap with 80's movie soundtracks. Kuedo and Ital Tek have been flirting with this vibe for a while. Kind of making their own sub-genre. Not sure who else fits into this area. Probably lots of good atmospheric producers.

  2. https://youtu.be/oYSLkpYrals


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    It's funny watching her try and fail to spin this shit.


    "does it impact anything of value? NO!"


    Actually, it does. It affects everything. The way our country is viewed is based on the leadership we choose to represent us.


    Too bad the average dumb fuck thinks she making good points. 


    Well actually the one good point is that Trump was chosen because all the politicians are worthless.


    You know what the magic word, the only thing that matters in American sexual mores today is? One thing. You can do anything, the left will promote and understand and tolerate anything, as long as there is one element. Do you know what it is? Consent. If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it's perfectly fine. Whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there's no consent in part of the equation then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the left.




    that link doesn't work for me.


    also, it's weird that he perfectly explained the basis for moral sexual activity as if it somehow does not make sense.

  4. When I was a kid I'd get the flu every year and it was basically a night full of endless puking to the point that my mom would give me a bucket next to my bed, and a few days of having a bad fever and barely being able to eat. I fondly remember the bouts of trying to make it to the bathroom and failing and puking on the door or in my bed.

  5. A significant minority of conservatives agree with Mr. Alex Jones. Btw, idk if he said anything about Bill Clinton raping people, I just thought that little segment was funny. I enjoy watching trainwrecks like that. When I'm buzzed. Otherwise it makes me slightly anxious when you realize how many people watch the show.


    Btw, a LOOOOT of people are convinced Obama is a Muslim, and a LOT but fewer people are convinced he's also a terrorist. Millions. I know people personally who think this. Multiple people. Many multiple peoples. IDK from WHERE but it's definitely a belief.


    Oh I know. I live in Texas. I get the insane emails forwarded to me. I also remember distinctly during Obama's first election that a 30 something blonde woman had an outburst towards me about him being a terrorist and she believed it to her core.


    He's not wrong about the nuclear war part, Russia already has a no fly zone in Syria and if we responded with our own and shot down Russian planes, why wouldn't they fight back?


    But the rest is lol


    didn't trump say he would shoot down russian planes or some shit?

  6. That's funny, whenever I get a flu, which is rarely, I usually do absolutely nothing about it and that also works to get rid of it in like three days.


    that's the very baseline of the average for most people and symptoms persist for up to two weeks a lot of the time. You must be particularly resilient. 

  7. Caught some new cold/flu bullshit just as I was getting over one. I guess it's a good thing I requested this week off. I was hoping to do something fun, or at least leave the house for more than 10 minutes, but it looks like I'll be on the couch watching Netflix on OTC drugs for the 3rd day in a row. Oh, well, it's only slightly above freezing outside anyway. 


    gingko biloba - 3x a day


    garlic extract - 3x a day


    grapefruit seed extract - 10 drops 3x a day in water


    vitamin c - 2 grams per day


    vitamin d - 4,000 IU per day


    Kombucha - 1-3 times per day



    You'll be better in like 3 days. 


    I just stopped a cold from completely coming on with this remedy.


    I feel like I said all this would happen earlier in this thread. I've also been reassuring my friend that this would happen. I also stated years ago that I do not believe another Republican will make it into the presidency until the party makes massive changes.

    I consider Trump as massive change...





    the illusion of change. basically more of the same.




    I had been wondering where Trump was getting all the Sidney Blumenthal stuff in recent weeks, I had assumed it was just a chance for some anti-semitic dog whistling, and it still probably is. What's amazing is that despite how transparently fraudulent his entire campaign has been, on close to 100% of every issue, it still seems to fool a worryingly large number of people. Are people getting dumber, or are certain people just getting more brazen in their attempts to fool them? Maybe they could have been doing this shit all along if they had wanted, rather than the low level of spin and distortion that's always been around.


    it's hard to know what's true when you're being lied to all of the time. Most people don't have time to sit on the internet fact checking. That was supposed to be the point of the news, but it has been perverted.


    If you think that Trump not  getting elected is us avoiding certain doom you're wrong.







    This is a democracy. Spend your vote the way you think is best.

    Yes BUT realize what the outcome is gonna be.


    If you vote Stein realizing you are helping Trump win, I mean, they are night and day. But, sure, like I said, Trump will be entertaining, for at least a little while. Just hope he doesn't turn into a nuclear-obsessed Kim Jung Un type.




    Tell me how voting for Stein or Johnson isn't the same as just writing in "Neil Degrasse Tyson"...? I mean, realistically each of them has a roughly 0% chance of winning...


    Well if everyone that wanted to vote third party did so the third party would show a lot more support and be taken much more seriously which is positive in the long run. If you think that the fallout from trump is not bad enough to implode the USA then this long term mindset might actually improve the country faster than staying with the two party system.

  10. Sorry but the "vote for one of the two parties capable of being elected" narrative is trite.


    If you think that giving your vote to a third party is worthwhile then do it. If you think that supporting a third party is the most valuable way to spend your vote then do it. You want to get out of the two party system then the best way is to continue to support a third party until they become relevant, because we all know election reform is not coming any time soon.


    If you think that Trump not  getting elected is us avoiding certain doom you're wrong. Could it be awful? Yes, but so could any other candidate.


    The truth is that the mechanism by which a president asserts their power is very tangled up with many different interests and powerful people.


    Trump could be elected and be the most entertaining president that never changed a thing, or he could be another G W Bush.


    This is a democracy. Spend your vote the way you think is best.

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