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Posts posted by Adieu



    What in that article convinced you that he has suddenly become smart? Was it the lie about climate change (contrary to his statement, there is near unanimity on climate change); or was it his statement about putting experts in positions of authority within his cabinet (climate change denier as head of EPA, ambassador to UN with zero foreign policy experience, education secretary in favour of defunding public education, and Ben Carson); or was it the change of heart about the electoral college?

    Not that he has suddenly become smart. But that he is talking in a way that makes me realize he has potential to do a good job. He has dropped the rhetoric, and he is talking real shit now.


    There is no consensus on climate change. There is data, and there are people interpreting that data. In the interview he concedes that humans play a part, to what extent he doesn't fully know yet. This is about as close as you can get to the truth about climate change. We have contributed yes, but to what extent fully? It depends on who you are talking to, and what are the ramifications? Again, it depends on who you are talking to. But the most important thing to consider is that it's much better for our planet to be warm than cold. We've had cooling events, and when it happens lots of people die.


    Everything he said made sense. If you don't like his appointments that's fine, but what he is saying makes sense.

    Have you ever seen an X-Y graph of climate vs green-house gas levels? I mean, I believe in coincidences and all, but sheesh...



    no, I'm not saying it's a coincidence though

  2. What in that article convinced you that he has suddenly become smart? Was it the lie about climate change (contrary to his statement, there is near unanimity on climate change); or was it his statement about putting experts in positions of authority within his cabinet (climate change denier as head of EPA, ambassador to UN with zero foreign policy experience, education secretary in favour of defunding public education, and Ben Carson); or was it the change of heart about the electoral college?


    Not that he has suddenly become smart. But that he is talking in a way that makes me realize he has potential to do a good job. He has dropped the rhetoric, and he is talking real shit now. 


    There is no consensus on climate change. There is data, and there are people interpreting that data. In the interview he concedes that humans play a part, to what extent he doesn't fully know yet. This is about as close as you can get to the truth about climate change. We have contributed yes, but to what extent fully? It depends on who you are talking to, and what are the ramifications? Again, it depends on who you are talking to. But the most important thing to consider is that it's much better for our planet to be warm than cold. We've had cooling events, and when it happens lots of people die.


    Everything he said made sense. If you don't like his appointments that's fine, but what he is saying makes sense.

  3. this is cool and everything and i would play it but watching that video and hearing how serious the announcers are is a lol.


    It's one of those things that seems simple until you start learning and realize how complex it is. So to have the amount of knowledge they have requires a lot of time and dedication to the sport. What those pros are doing is also very challenging, but they make it look easy.


    - that people who would happily identify as racists and white nationalists do not deserve any of our respect or attention. we should only be paying attention to them in the sense that we need to ensure that they are not harming others. but aside from that they deserve to be isolated because they have made a decision to not co-operate in a globalised and multi-cultural society.

    The shame and exile game doesn't work

    That's what got us here

    The Rogerian proposition is that if you show someone 'unconditional positive regard'...that in itself is therapeutic...and it coaxes people towards humanism and egalitarianism.



    Where is here? Losing an election? Hardly to blamed solely on the regressive left.

  5. had to google disc golf as misunderstood it as some kind of weed golf


    the latter would make a pwoper 'lympics sport


    I mean it might as well be called weed golf, as most the people that play smoke weed. It's basically a bunch of modern hippies walking around the woods throwing discs.


    These are some of the best in the world.





    It's lush as fuck walking around the woods to play in the early mornings. No one is around and the dew is still covering everything. My friends and I are kind of addicted. We play 54+ holes some days.


    Yeah disc golf + nice weather is the lushness.  It's addictive alright too, though if I played 54 holes in a day my arm would probably fall off!


    And C-Bran it's definitely an American thing, and it's only really become popular in the last 20 years or so.  When I was a kid we'd play what was basically the made-up version of it, where everyone would have an ordinary disc and you'd just improvise each hole, agreeing on the next target like a tree, gate or telephone pole.  I know Ultimate is catching on at Unis over there so I probably only a matter of time before it makes its way on over.  Until then kick back and just blaze my man.


    U play Rubes?



    It's my legs that hurt after 54 holes most of the time.


    We have like 6-8 decent courses in the general vicinity around where i live so it's a pretty great place to play.


    What is rubes?



    disc golf sounds rad. what is it with frisbees and stoners though? seems to be some sort of correlation there.


    I dunno but disc golf people are the nicest people ever.




    welp, I'm going to buy ammo this weekend.


    i've been eyeballing shotguns.. 


    i wish my grandparents were alive.. they fought against this shit and watched their friends die fighting it but here it is right in the god damned ronald reagan building. 



    I've got a few guns, but I'm getting a pistol, and a better rifle. Shotgun isn't really relevant for the things I'm worried about. Definitely getting a good stack of ammo though. Even if it means I might be hunting my own food. Going to get a bow too.



    In Austin Texas over the weekend there was an African-American historical statue unveiled at the Texas Capitol. It was a nice even planned months ahead and for a statue that has been in the works for years. On the other side in a shitty "coincidence" some neo-nazi/white nationalist assholes held a "White Lives Matter" protest. Like awkward KKK rallies that occur with permits they had police protection since a much larger counter-protester movement showed up.


    Now, in the last few years there have been a fair amount of non-politically aligned open-carry rallies. Folks who insist on carrying assault style rifles show up, act douchey (IMO), and go home. It's ridiculous and often passive aggressive but essentially civil.




    On the other hand, now that open carry is more and more in vogue and still legal, far more heated events like this one have neo-Nazis showing up with guns out and in sight...




    In a even more bizarre turn of events, something I never expected to see IRL, far left-wing activists showed up armed.




    I don't even know what to say...it's like yes I know this country has problems but how the fuck do we end up with so many people talking hyperbolic rhetoric about revolution and war and anti-establishment ire when we are still a relatively stable 1st world county? The irony of seeing people in nice trucks driving to nice homes on nice roads in a major, fast growing and vibrant city like Austin, TX with bumper stickers that say "COME AND TAKE IT" with fucking AR-15s long clip logos on them is beyond absurd. So much more of the world has dealt with actual war, genocide, civil strife, oppression, etc. firsthand and yet manage to work toward progressive social and political goals. Here we are voting in a populist because we had a seemingly lackluster liberal in office for 8 years. 



    We have reached a tipping/turning point as a species. It's time to cull the unevolved. 


    welp, I'm going to buy ammo this weekend.


    i've been eyeballing shotguns.. 


    i wish my grandparents were alive.. they fought against this shit and watched their friends die fighting it but here it is right in the god damned ronald reagan building. 



    I've got a few guns, but I'm getting a pistol, and a better rifle. Shotgun isn't really relevant for the things I'm worried about. Definitely getting a good stack of ammo though. Even if it means I might be hunting my own food. Going to get a bow too.

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