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Posts posted by Uniret

  1. shea you are too cool


    that vid


    those e-cigs


    those flame shorts


    so late nineties, early 00's super meta-ambiguous/oh shit wait is it regional or the old boys aint lookin cool through analysis, but anyways it might be accepted now?



    in any fucking RATE, NIGGA



    those guys doe,

    funny, but not really good looking


    in any regards, more plastic in fashion, yes

    tired of the earthyness something like that, something about the fabrics,

    street fashion blogs up to here na men

  2. Please excuse my fleeting cognition, Shea, but I thought you were DAS, and I've read you as DAS, can it be that You're both DAS and not DAS at the same time, and does it even matter?


    It's very interesting for me in any rate, because I think DAS is inherent in nature. It's a part of progress, but you can't just be DAS, because then you'll be ungrounded and forever fleeting. Its a Balance between the relative and the absolute. I still believe in the dualistic and non-dualistic, as parts of metaphores as Tools for at least Our Reality as humans.


    I used to Battle With definitions as well, because it initially feels like pigeonholing, but there is truth to definition, as there is truth to the absolute. We just seem to view them in different way, and ultimately, they are two sides of the same coin.


    The bridge though, between them,

    for that, I will forever search, at least in this life.




    The Nice thing about internet is the ability to be live-edatory.


    I hereby edit my former statements about the evolution of art, because it was incomplete,

    but, at this stage, I havent the energy, or cognition, to continue that analysis.


    In any case, it's fun and hell at the same time. (Personalism)

  3. yes it all builds on earlier Works, like all art tend to do, implementing New elements, sometime in an conservative or in an radical fashion, but in general, now art in its fractal meta tendency of constanlty borrowing, is very conservative. nothing wrong With that, but i Guess i miss a real radical change, and i dont see that coming before we change as human beings.

  4. in any regards, what gmanshowsto, is just a conservative change from vapor to something post vapor. that machinery has been going strong since the Impressionists started breaking Down reality. I cant say i see any radical change coming up before we physically change Our sensory metaphores sometime in the future, before that time comes though, its bound to end in ouroboros synthesis.


    kind of makes me sad that im not living in the future in my present. kind of makes me sad that im not psychologically and physcially emotional present in the world, plus a Heavy abberated cognitively.


    somebody once told me; metaphor is the only truth. I still believe that.


    Something like that.


    Just need time to process.

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