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Posts posted by Uniret

  1. I'd ask you hundred questions about this and that, but since I'm temporary retarded, I'll let the other members take care of that.

    I just wanna say I really enjoy your music, and repeat a question I asked a while back, that may or may not have been answered;

    Have you listened much to jazz, and if so, who are your favorite jazz musicians, favorite jazz albums, etc?

  2. RIP Vaporwave etc.


    What about just calling each track you make a new genre. Or each bar, each sound, whatever. Or like Davis said: "Call it anything".


    We need to be post-genre now.


    [Too unhip to be hip; Too hip to be unhip]





    Untilted was pre-vapor-idm IMHO


    post-swag, post-yolo, post-# etc




    post post post post post etc pre post etc etc post-etc etc

  3. Try Split your infinities. That opened my eyes. But still, the album overall lacks, is my general opinion. But one good song is one good song. Long halflife.


    It's the answer to Geogaddi's Opening the Mouth and The Campfire Headphase's Oscar see through Red Eyes,


    but to be honest, even if its still new, sounds infinitely more nuanced and universally mystical than most of what I've heard BOC produce before.

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