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cumberland sauce

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Everything posted by cumberland sauce

  1. why is it I have to vote at local elections and they allways break their promises every fucking time
  2. that. looks. vile. Thats makeing me sick just looking at it nevermind vile,
  3. http://www.canadiandesignresource.ca/officialgallery/ceramics/the-accident-edition-of-10/ Only in canada lol
  4. Weres the challenge accepted guy or me gusta, How awsome would that be :D with a flameing background
  5. A turd that will not come out, Just look down and you will shit without a problem
  6. Steak tartare, its a bit like poop on a plate without the smell of poop
  7. Some asshole thought they would be a funny cunt and suspended me from watmm
  8. Can some one translate the writing, So we can find out how that puppys d.n.a got fucked up so badly
  9. looks like rubber johnny comeing down off white powder
  10. I hear ya. Am glad someone does, The lols are fadeing away more and more since theres others analyzing every picture if its funny or not, Weres the lol in that exactly I think of the funny pics thread as the funny pages in a newspaper, Were as others look upon it as some sort of failed funny art gallery
  11. Seems to me that there shouldnt be a funny pics thread as no one seems to laugh at others post anymore its just a secretly selected few that get the desired response of a lol from the watmm secret society members. Were all animals are equal some seem to be more equal than others attitude.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqmtqbNuqG4
  13. And the winner of the awsome strange pictures thread goes to...
  14. My shit was hard and felt like it poked its head out but went back in few times, Gonna use a pitch fork on the black f**ker if my shit goes gay on me once more
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