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Posts posted by Lewps

  1. dont tell anyone about this, and especially dont tell anyone i told u about this, but theres this podcast at 



    watmms best kept secrete. keep it underground, tell no one.

    punk ep was great, some good recommendations. playful quips, pro moderating, good dynamic i like it fellas

  2. Dunno Lewps, but maybe some kind of "ping pong" repetition would be nice in your GIFs. I mean that as soon as the animation has run through all of its pictures it doesn't start over again but runs through them again reversely and then starts again? But I really don't know if that would make things better honestly, just an idea (you probably had yourself and discarded it for good reasons)


    yeah the problem with it reversing and playing back is that it breaks the continuity and makes the animation feel choppy and inconsistent. I'd prefer the little hiccup when the animation restarts over that feeling of inconsistency. I'd do some pingpong in the future if that's the effect i was going for.

  3. i've only been painting for two years so I am only comfortable with a limited cool palette which is red, yellow, blue, earth tone and white, you can get most colours you'll need out of that

    my palette right now: cad red, cad yellow light, cobalt blue, raw umber and titanium white

    definitely start with acrylic, its much cheaper. buy a variety of brushes, i work with flat brushes caus i like hard edges.


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