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Posts posted by Franciscus

  1. Who else wishes that melody from 28:00 > was part of the track?!?


    I could be wrong, barring actual album quality, but both this and spl9 seem very much in the Quaristice vibe, but with better dynamics, use of reverb, etc. it's like they are using their tour gear for this album (faster to generate content hence the 2xCD?), but used computers for Oversteps.


    Not sure what to think about that.


    I don't really care for Quaristice, but I'm hearing it moves beyond it, so I'm still hopeful.

    tuinorizn should be 3:40 long, so that melody might be part of the track.. dunno..

  2. Ok, ok... So lemme get this straight.... It has delayed melodies like LP5, mini universes like Confield, beat fuckery like Untilted, murkiness like Quaristice, and stateliness of Oversteps (not sure what that means really). What about Draft?


    Anyways, here's what I really want to know... Is the song structure jammy (directionless?) like Quaristice (I sort of remember Rob saying it was recorded straight first and edited later), OR does it sound like Unitlted or Oversteps where they have more form (songs?) and sound like they were deliberately composed on a computer?

    w/e just leak this already

  3. Someone needs to Robin Hood this bitch and release it for the common good of all. Worse case scenario the download link for the preorder I already paid for is made public early (as is it should).


    Free our data! Free our data!

    ask kim dotcom if he wants to help us with our quest. he's the new internet hero

  4. warp is smart enough to know as soon as it leaks, i bet they even check what and waffles during a time like this.


    Speaking of Waffles and what.cd, is there any of you guys still using these ?

    How is this now ? Is what.cd still as cool ?


    I used to love what.cd, funny story of how I got banned like 2 years ago because I was inviting myself with other email adress


    I was topping the ratio because of my stupid french internet connection and closed NAT or whatever, so I was doing paypal donation to what.cd (and a cheap ass one, like 30 euros) to get an invite again and recreate an account, thinking that was tricky but happy to give them money for the wonderful platform / service their were giving me. I did this like 4 times over a year, I still remember today the surreal IRC conversation I had with a mod and explaining all this. Almost got unbanned but the guy was standing still on his position in the end. This was pretty intense : )


    I've got a Waffle account since 2010 but haven't been there in a super long while, wasn't as good of a platform than what.cd, don't even remember my username / password.

    i usually check blogs for this. never had access to waffles or what.cd

  5. btw pixelives, did you hear spl9 yet? the podcast version is of a terrible quality, i just want to know if it sounds ten million times better with the right quality. does it?

    Yeah so much better. I can even imagine what that thing was encoded at.

    great! would you say it's a track that would perfectly fit on untilted (i just love that album)?

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