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Posts posted by bronchuseven


    Tried a new recipe today: Moroccan stew w/ sweet potato, aubergine, squash, tomato & raisins, seasoned with a cinnamon stick, turmeric & paprika. Holy shit I can't stop eating it!

    Elaborate, please.


    Things I changed: soaked & cooked dry chickpeas instead of using canned; fresh tomatoes instead of canned; I caramelised onion & green bell pepper in a cast iron skillet and added them to the stew at the end; used a whole cinnamon stick rather than use powdered.

  2. i've had the vinyl since release and a while ago i was in a record store and found an unopened copy of Brown Out on vinyl for $12 :)




    it's nice to be able to pitch up/down some of those tracks. if can get it on vinyl you should.

    I bought it first on vinyl without hearing it and was convinced it was supposed to be played at 45 rpm.. it was a long time before I learned it was supposed to be 33!

    Yarrow tea - I collected the wild plants from the forest and dried them at home.

    Badass! I wish I was better at identifying plants, sounds so fun to do some herb hunt hiking (or shroom hunt hiking which kinda scares me)

    It's very fun! I have spots all over the woods that I visit depending on what's in season. Soon the mulberries will be ripe.. best two weeks of the year!


    I confident with my plant IDs but very much a noob regarding fungi. I do have several sites where I find reishi mushrooms though, which I'm sure are correctly identified (have been independently verified).

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