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Chris Toffer

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Posts posted by Chris Toffer


    Have I missed something since allusions about another possible imminent album pop out here and there? On IDMForums some guy claimed that there wouldn’t be only one but two albums coming this year. Then again there have been so many informative ‘’very close to Warp’’ posters so I don’t know what to believe. Very stoked to get even this one.

    I think that's just speculation based on just that person on reddit and the tor link (syro2eznzea2xbpi.onion). Some think it suggest there will be two more albums after Syro: Eznzea and Xbpi. I think Richard is very likely to release more on Warp in the coming years, but another release this year or early next year is wishful thinking imo.


    mhmm. From a commercial point of view (assuming this album will like go kind of mainstream and shit), it would make sense to release Eznzea/Xbpi shortly before christmas. That'd give enough time for Syro to sink in to the mainstream and for kids to ask santa to give them the fat new prichard jamz under the tree for xmas. Mayb 1 of Eznzea/Xbpi is an EP and the other an album. Could come out @ the same time




    Somewhere in New Zealand






    Shit, what are the chances of there being 2 crop circles in the same location at different times of year? buzzy



    Probably more likely than identical cloud formations in the background of both pics




    You're right. But I think the change in contrast proves that the 2 crop circles are completely unrelated and separate events

  3. "a limited Dropcard that unlocks exclusive digital content."



    What the fuck. fo real??????????????????????????????? Need confirmation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Edit: shit its an official record store init. Holy fuck jizz 8--D~~~~ Who else is distributing the cards??


    Edit: still need confirmation that the content is exclusive, and not just tracks from the album!


    so, 1st track is manchester, 2nd is metz. stokage already and we are only two tracks in.

    this is based on conjecture, or fact?


    Manchester is fact as confirmed on warp's page http://warp.net/records/aphex-twin/syro


    Metz is speculation. I don't think it is unless he's slowed the track down in the release. The live version of Metz is about 122bpm, not 120. Also it is less than 10:30 long, but again he could've easily made a different mix for the album.


    Also, singapore track is possibly going to be PAPAT4 (starts in this vid @ 7:44)



    .. As it has the same bpm. No other clues though

  5. Starting Nip Tuck back from Season 1. Loved this show bak in the day and pretty sure i only watch seasons 2 or 3 to 6. Its fucking legit. Cant wait to get back in to it. Hopefully ive forgotten most of the storyline so it isnt spoiled.


    This show has the ultimate combo of thriller and drama. And excellent music. Fuck yeah bitch. And hot girls. Winning




    off topic, but: i'm desperately looking for a film that is about an evil severed hand walking around on its fingers (and probably killing people and stuff). i've seen that one maybe 10 or 15 years ago on tv, and it had a scene in it where a whole bunch of hands sit in a tree like a flock of birds... that image kind stuck with me since

    could this be it? or any suggestions, anyone? thx


    Also interested in seeing this film








    Bump. Come on u twats, its a good movie

    Rear Window

    Not Star Wars or Rear Window




    This is obviously the thread winner. It's beaten us all.


    A Serbian Film?





    Fuck!!!!! lol Finally. It's The Vicious Kind. well done spiral :D


    edit: how did u cheat?!


    And yeah its a good film feat. sleep deprivation and lolz, do recommend

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