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Posts posted by AWW

  1. ...or as ancient aliens conspirators believe; proof points to the fact that Sean & Rob have in fact been visited by beings from another realm who imparted aural gifts of the God upon them to thrill and entertain the apes of earth...

  2. Would someone just give this lad a shit load of cash and let him live out his days making tunes the way we all wish we could!!

    He is quitting, or he has been forced to quit, again...

    Now he is selling all his gear...


    customised MS20 with PWM, lots of extra OSC inputs, s trig out, ext ring mod input and external s-trig convertor
    oberkorn special edition, four row analog sequencer with ms20 trigger
    kenton PRO 2000
    unitor 8
    custom SSL stereo bus compressor with sidechain input
    FCB1010 pedal board
    Adams A7X monitors + stands
    keyboard stand
    XOX bass time with CV inputs
    custom theremin with wave and octave selectors, two antennas one for volume one for pitch
    guitar slides

    2 x basic CV mixers
    1 x intellijel uscale II
    1 x white whale monome eurorack controller / recorder + extra usb power adapter
    eurorack 4 unit case
    1 x Monome 8x8
    separately or all with case

    mac 12 core customised 2 x 3.46Ghz 6-core Xeons - 64 meg ram sierra 10.12.6 - graphics AMD R9xxx 4096MB - cheese grater mac with newer chips - 500Gig drive
    pc 16core HP Z62- Workstation - 2 x CPU E5-2670 @ 2.60Ghz - 32 meg ram - whatever disk - win 7 64 bit with every piece of music software available to mankind, including some fucked up shit that shouldn’t even work on that computer. this was my effects machine.

    Yamaha A3R
    Tanglewood 12 string TW28/12
    Vester electric

    customised guitars
    unfinished aluminium fretboard fretless electric guitar (painted)
    unfinished ebony fretboard electric guitar (unpainted) - brand new neck, new locking nuts

    novation launch control XL
    novation ableton launchpad
    M-audio 80 key midi keyboard

    Pig Nose Large Scale 50W Amp - needs work bit fucked, sounds excellent when worky tho. 



    I presume you can find him at 100mountains...

  3. I received all 8 in the mail yesterday, and so far, so fantastic. I listened to The Wheel, The Anal Staircase, and The Snow discs. The sound quality is excellent-- it's so nice to have CD-quality versions of tracks I've only ever had on vinyl-- and the bonus material is almost overwhelming in its scope and quality. The Horse Rotorvator demos alone would have been worth the $80 to me, but there is just so much to process.


    Coil is probably the most important thing to me when it comes to music, if I really am honest with myself. I have been a collector since 1994, and have maybe 99% of the official releases, and believe me, these CDs are important and worth it.

    Thanks, that is all I wanted to know!!

  4. How does the World view Europe these days?


    Migrant 'crisis' mismanagement, the building of anti-refugee walls, the displaced being further tormented by us comfortable lot...

    I am Irish, I live in Dublin, I am so far removed from any plight, it is easy to have an opinion and be outraged.


    Is helping children from suffering not the right thing to do? Do it so.

    Love, peace and harmony, everything else is unpalatable and becomes amplified with age and absolute at deaths door. Looking at you 'the 1%'!!

    If I am naive please do not educate me to ever understand how one could allow children suffer, that is a mind-set I never want to consider.


  5. i still adore r + 7. best new thing on warp in fuckin ages. one of the few records of the last few years that hasnt faded. There was an honesty in his irony on there - I'm worried this one will be a little too try hard-y. Big shoes to fill etc etc.

    True. Now bring on the new noise before leaks ruin the flow!! R Plus Seven is constantly played at home, nonstop for years now, I believe it is impossible for it to be topped in my mind, I hope the new album is radically different, or the EXACT same. ‘Ufabulum’ was a special favourite of mine on repeat repeat but I have only listened to ‘Damogen Furies’ once...


    Brilliant, bring it on... but such a pity Kris Weston could not get his album off the ground... plus plus still still waiting for my 'Further Adventures Beyond Dark Matter' Live DVD...

    I backed Kris, he's on Root now to fund it, with a goal of September, site is down for maintenance right now. When you back him, you get the entire Orb back catalog for free, lol. Revenge is sweet.

    I also backed him. Of course I did, the greatest noisemonger I have EVER come across, and the album was to be a once off release to backers only!! It was only a miserly £30 hard earned from a shitty dead end job, whatever, but it never happened as we all know, and I never got to redeem ANYTHING before he shut up shop. I asked him recently could he hook me up, he asked that I never email him again...




    I would GREATLY appreciate any of his music if someone was prepared to be so generous, I would happily reciprocate with a copy or two of anything from my Discogs.com collection, trade music for music, avoid the filthy cash so we never end up like those whom it corrupts. Thanks, BD

    ...or does anyone know what I would get if he allowed me spend a further £10plus on his website, but I would prefer to abide by his wishes and simply not contact him again???

    Saddened. Anyhow, I wish him no ill and I hope all his goals are realised and experiences a satisfaction that is truly fulfilling. X BD

  7. Did anyone else contribute to Kris Weston KichStart project? I only got to listen to the tracks over the weekend, they are KNOCKOUT. ‘Wall’ is undoubtedly one of the single best things I have heard in one hundred years, it is like ‘Wounded Galaxies...’ but not wounded, just a little whiskey sad or something, tracks are of a quality one seldom comes across... I’d HIGHLY recommend. Anyone?




    I was hoping he'd dial down the pretense a bit for his next album but it doesn't look like it.

    as long as he's able to maintain the balance of "sincere effort to examine & deconstruct weird pop culture ephemera without descending into jokey irony" and "yeah guys i know how goofy this stuff looks, just enjoy the tunes dudes" i'm cool with it


    stoked 4 this, still haven't heard latest EP


    Well said.

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