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Posts posted by Tatdylf

  1. I think it said 'not off the vinyl' in the description, so like other recent uploads I assume it's from a DAT


    Seems like he's been going through all his tapes and DATs and he's finding older release sources like SAW2 and stuff... pretty cool


    what if this whole soundcloud thing was just Richard finally cleaning out his cupboards and he's like, oh I forgot about all this, shit I might as well post this, why not. and the whole thing was a lark.

  2. The stats are pretty unequivocal. In the past year in the US there has been an average of more than one mass shooting every single day. In the UK there have only been three mass shootings in the past twenty years.


    And far from protecting the people from the state, more than 1,000 US citizens were killed by the police in 2015 alone. By comparison only 55 UK citizens have been killed by police in the past 24 years!


    that's shocking stuff. The thing is if 7 American citizens are endangered in another country it's a major news event but the killing of Americans by police is swept under the rug, maybe they will conduct an internal investigation. I think anyone in law enforcement should undergo mandatory continual psychological evaluation and therapy, or something to that effect.

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