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Worlds Most Johnsson

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Posts posted by Worlds Most Johnsson

  1. that cupcake burger is the coolest thing I've ever seen!


    ok, trying to do two burgers at the same time here.

    Fist off, a pulled chicken burger from a French themed restaurant in Gotland.
    Burning the bun is a big no no. Other than that it was tasty.





    Second burger is a vegetarian halloumi burger with some coleslaw on the side and the cutest fries serving I've ever seen.

    Halloumi burger are always ace btw.



  2. Just finished: Zelda for NES for the first time. -awesome

    how did people beat this game back in the days without save state!? Krazy!


    And Zelda OOT 3D -awesome


    Now playing:

    Pullblocks for 3DS -cool but not awesome

    Resident Evil Revelations -meh

    Beat The Beat Rhythm Paradise - relly good

    Metroid Other M -just started this but it seems terrible

  3. burgerdenmark.jpg

    I went to Denmark to check out their fiber bread chicken burger. It was awful. Got stuck in the throat.

    I bet it's the same stuff they put in Mc Nuggets that they use for these burgers as well.

    And no ketchup. But no one ever serves a chicken burger with ketchup.

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