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Posts posted by whosebrian

  1. 9 minutes ago, Hugh Mughnus said:

    ? I don’t necessarily know about our neighbours lol - we joke that this is the community of perpetually open garages (many here seem to leave them open like... all day and night!?). But we lock our doors for sure! Lots of reports of car prowlers too.

    Michael Moore mentions it in Bowling for Columbine


    Moore contrasts his portrayal of the U.S. attitude toward guns and violence with the attitude prevailing in areas of Canada where gun ownership is at similar levels to the U.S. He illustrates his thesis by visiting neighborhoods in Canada near the Canada–U.S. border , where he finds front doors unlocked and much less concern over crime and security .


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  2. On 7/26/2019 at 2:40 PM, very honest said:

    putin's goal is to weaken america. the strategy has been to increase and exploit internal division. a contested election is not necessarily the one goal, but it would be a huge prize along the trajectory he's on, because it could precipitate the actual fall of america. him and the fsb, sitting around thinking about how to fuck america, are certainly aware of this potential. comey was apparently so concerned that he risked tipping the election trump's way. 


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