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Posts posted by whosebrian

  1. Trump Promised to Protect Steel. Layoffs Are Coming Instead.


    Foreign steel makers have rushed to get their product into the United States before tariffs start. According to the American Iron and Steel Institute, which tracks shipments, steel imports were 19.4 percent higher in the first 10 months of 2017 than in the same period last year.


    That surge of imports has hurt American steel makers, which were already struggling against a glut of cheap Chinese steel.

    Earlier this year, tariffs seemed imminent. Wilbur Ross, the commerce secretary, said in late May that he expected to conclude the steel investigation by the end of June.

    And in early June, Mr. Trump told a crowd in Cincinnati, “Wait till you see what I’m going to do for steel and your steel companies,” vowing that he would “stop the dumping” of products at superlow prices by other countries.

    “We’ll be seeing that very soon. The steel folks are going to be very happy,” he said.

    But the announcement never came.




    "I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris."



    what the fuck is this open mouth exuberant psychotic looking smile that white guys with receding hairlines and patchy beards and black frame glasses do in literally every fucking photo they take?

    The guy in the middle is Brad Muir who used to work for Double Fine and now works for Valve.

    He’s famous for his smile/mouth, so that at least explains HIS expression


    wait he's famous for his mouth?


    Not for what he did for DF or Valve? He should be a mouth model.




    Mouth open not saying nuthin'.

  3. A Federal Ban on Making Lethal Viruses Is Lifted


    yes, the ban was put in place by the obama fed


    yes, the ban followed a series of horrifying mistakes involving mishandling dangerous pathogens


    yes, this pertains to the creation of new viruses that could cause pandemics



































































    voting doesn't matter


  4. cutcutcut


    Q    I’m going to ask a question about taxes.  The Federal Reserve, yesterday, said that the tax bill would provide a modest lift to the economy.  That’s in stark contrast to words that the President has used, like “rocket fuel” to the economy.  What is the data the President is basing his rosier picture of the impact on the economy of the tax bill, versus the experts at the Federal Reserve?


    MS. SANDERS:  Look, there are several individuals.  I would point you to Kevin Hassett, who has spoken in this room and on a number of networks that I see represented here that has repeatedly stated that a lot of the statistics, a lot of the data, shows that this will be a huge boost to the economy, it will bring companies back, it will grow our jobs, push the stock market higher.

    I think that those are all places I would point back to.  And certainly, I think there’s great support that we have seen, just based on the idea that this passes — that you’re seeing the stock market increase, and they think a lot of that is tied to that.





    Hassett is coauthor with James K. Glassman of Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the Coming Rise in the Stock Market. It was published in 1999 before the dot-com bubble burst. The book's title was based on a calculation that, in the absence of the equity premium, stock prices would be approximately four times as high as they actually were. In its introduction, Glassman and Hassett wrote that the book "will convince you of the single most important fact about stocks at the dawn of the twenty-first century: They are cheap... If you are worried about missing the market's big move upward, you will discover that it is not too late. Stocks are now in the midst of a one-time-only rise to much higher ground–to the neighborhood of 36,000 on the Dow Jones industrial average." The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 10,681.06 on the day of the book's publication.

    Nobel laureate Paul Krugman argued on his faculty website that the book contained basic arithmetic errors and was "a very silly book" but regarded Hassett's role as co-author as a "youthful indiscretion." Statistician and blogger Nate Silver described the book as "charlatanic" and suggested on empirical grounds that the authors had failed to notice that at the time of writing stock prices were "as overvalued as at literally any time in American history".



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