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Posts posted by kokoon

  1. are you sure you watched the right movie?

    The thing is, I started watching it a few months ago and turned it off after like 15min. It was just too much, I wasn't prepared for all the cheesy tropes and bad cgi. Now I somehow managed to get through the beginning, which is pretty bad, and then from some point on, the movie gets going. I'm just saying it turned out better than I thought it would.





    My vintage receiver is going out. No surprise, but I'm not going to enjoy buying a new one. This one had cool weighted knobs.

    what sorta receiver? if its a nice one you could fix it/get it fixed.



    It's a Pioneer SX-750 (from 1976 or '77) that I found on the street.




    It was working fine for a couple years, but now the left channel will go out intermittently.

    Makes it pretty hard to mix my music...



    My parents have one of these! Aaaaand it also has the same channel problem. But it was good right up into the mid-00's (they've had it for longer than I've existed).


    if jiggling the speaker cable for that channel makes the signal come back then it's just a solder joint has become loose. just need to heat that joint up and reflow the solder and it should be all good.


    I have a technics amp of a similar vintage, the hybrid end stages seem to crap out regularly, mine has a blown channel too. I ordered the part years ago and still haven't tried replacing it. Hmmm maybe now would be a good time, the amp is fantastic sounding and beautiful!





    Burn After Reading?



    lol..that's kind of "unbelievable" close, as the film in question is actually from the same directors.


    Can't really tell exacly why, but I was sure it was a Coen movie even before the Burn after reading guess.

  4. anyone seen this? looks kinda interesting




    it's a sci-fi apparently.

    Yes, I've seen it at a festival. It's a tough watch, don't know what else to say. And long. Oh, and - I didn't enjoy it.


    Alien Resurrection, for the first time in over 15 years. shitty but an enjoyable/memorable kind of shitty.

    i never understood the hate, i like it and i think it's way better then alien 3

    ripley is beast, there are plenty of aliens and boy, when the queen gives birth to that abomination and he rips her in half, just :doge:


    Yes!!! Finally, some honest appreciation (the little it deserves) for the 4. It's not very good, but still better than 3. Memorable, that's a good way of putting it.

  6. At the Satantango screening a few months ago, one guy was snoring so loudly that 3 whole rows of people were trying to make him stop. But he fell back asleep every time in a minute or so, back to loud snoring. That went on for like 3 hours, I pretty much got used to it in an hour or so.


    Amazingly, almost all of the seats were still occupied when the lights turned on at the end, I'd say less than 1% of people left during the movie.


    Mad max was painful. They actually put a lot of effort into some things (detail, action) which I acknowledge and respect. But none of the characters had any meat to them. Really really sad, but I guess that's the current state of popular cinema. Without characters to care about, I found myself totally uninvested in the movie, so the non-stop action began to feel like a drag after 1/3 of the movie.

    It's sad, cause I watched Mad Maxes 1&2 the same day and for tbe first time. You can't really compare the new one to pt1, but you can to pt2. And however silly the characters are there, they lift the movie to a totally different level than this sad piece of crap.

    i agree, the backstory and 'meat' of the feral child in Road Warrior was so superb i couldn't believe it when Fury Road started and they had no backstories for the characters


    The feral child in MM2 had no backstory, but he was still way more interesting than ANY character in new movie. To me, at least. What about you, honestly?

  8. Mad max was painful. They actually put a lot of effort into some things (detail, action) which I acknowledge and respect. But none of the characters had any meat to them. Really really sad, but I guess that's the current state of popular cinema. Without characters to care about, I found myself totally uninvested in the movie, so the non-stop action began to feel like a drag after 1/3 of the movie.

    It's sad, cause I watched Mad Maxes 1&2 the same day and for tbe first time. You can't really compare the new one to pt1, but you can to pt2. And however silly the characters are there, they lift the movie to a totally different level than this sad piece of crap.

  9. re: Erlichman's rant on Ex Machina - I haven't seen it yet. But neither have I seen Under the Skin yet, which is something I'm really looking forward to. Just waiting for the right moment with the right company.

    Ex Machina looks promising though, is the BD out already or are you all seeing it in the cinema?

    Anyways, what I really wanted to say was, I hated Moon. It was such generic, cliche scifi short script. And everyone was raving about how it's “proper scifi“. This was years ago and I'm still angry about it, haha!

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