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Posts posted by jasondonervan


    Also can this just become a weekly thing forever now?


    Pretty sure they have the technology to do this. I'd subscribe to some weekly or even monthly Autechre broadcast without thinking twice !

    The LP boxset would be a bit too heavy tho :emotawesomepm9:




  2. yeah man. it was several games in before i finally was alive long enough to hear that loud clap of thunder followed moments later by rainfall followed by fog. erangel is seriously lacking w/o weather to mix it up imo


    Erangel fog and rain games were decent, and I reckon they'll be back in some form eventually. I don't dislike Miramar as much as some, but it could easily be solved by cutting it down by 50%.

  3. games good yo. and i keep selling locked crates for cash on steam because people are fuckin' weird so...


    wish they'd hurry up and bring weather back to the live server. it's nice on savage


    Gots my monies back I paid for the game thanks to crate shenanigans. Hundreds of hours of adult hide and seek with guns for free!


    Savage is exactly the shot in the arm the game needs. Final release still a few months off, but nice to be able to dip a toe into a new map as it evolves.



    Had never heard of this film...the 60's were a strange time. Would be great video to layer some gonk tuf hi with the visuals though.

    yes - pls someone fix this video


    Could do it in a heartbeat but Vimeo got me on upload limit lockdown and youtube, well... is youtube  :cerious:

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