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decibal cooper

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Posts posted by decibal cooper

  1. 4 minutes ago, cern said:

    Love it so simple and clean setup! could need a little bit bigger space or just 2 stands for the monitors. 

    What sound card is that? Oh love the MF Doom posters 

    Thanks! It’s an Audient id22 (I think, forget the exact model but it’s the one with two xlr inputs). I have an old Apollo duo as well, not in the pic, that I use just for dsp. Love their reverbs, delays, compressors, and tape machine plugins.

    • Like 1
  2. 53 minutes ago, Bubba69 said:

    monitors on the floor!?

    lol yes - and they are right next to each other, so stereo depth is shit. Feel like it would take deliberate effort to design such a poor monitoring situation. They are not bad starter monitors either, Yamaha H7s. I got them in the hope of one day having a better space. I mostly mix with headphones and then check things in the car and also on laptop speakers and shittier headphones. I also read an interview with James Brown where he said that he knew a song was finished by the way the speakers thumped, and I often use this tactic to check low end. Obviously in such a room it is risky business but still worth doing. Gonna be moving soon and I might have more space, was thinking of getting two of those little monitor stands so I can spread them out behind the desk.

    • Like 1
  3. I liked Card Counter a lot, watched it twice since it came out. Had an argument with my friend about whether or not Tiffany Haddish should have been cast as the female lead. I thought she was decent enough to carry the role and that she brought some needed lightness and comic relief. For some reason Schraeder likes casting stand-up comedians in his super serious movies. Feel like Cedric the Entertainer was a really good choice for First Reformed, loved his work in that movie.

    5 hours ago, usagi said:

    The Card Counter has some strengths, namely Oscar Isaac and his ability to speak volumes with just his body language, an expression and a few words intoned a certain way.

    This is spot on, felt like he gave a great performance. This is the only fictional film I've seen to really grapple with state sanctioned torture with such depth, and I saw no false notes in his performance and also that it was rather unique. That dude has range as an actor too, felt like his comic/musical performance in the Coen bros movies Inside Llewyn Davis was also really good.

    I still have not seen Mishima, which some say is a great one by Schrader. I like his movie American Gigolo a lot. Not a huge Richard Gere fan, but he's really good in that and his look/public image in Hollywood at the time suit the role perfectly. I also love Schrader's Light Sleeper. Willem Dafoe is the lead as a mid-level drug dealer in NYC. All of Schrader's movies explore the same Christian guilt theme imo, but he seems to have done a great job of keeping it fresh.

  4. 34 minutes ago, logboy said:

    the sneaker style looks right. it's that exaggerated shape and size. the hands and legs too, kind of old fashioned and naive. 

    i think it all got away from those 70s roots pretty quickly. by the mid 80's i can remember the extremely angular and busy, unreadable stuff to be quite commonplace.

    the book is probably a good representation of the earlier, more sincere, less likely to have any opportunity for money-making kind of stuff.

    I like the angular, unreadable, alien-looking tags a lot as well, but the old school stuff is very appealing to me. Just bought a reissue of Subway Art online, am looking forward to checking it out, so thanks!

  5. 4 hours ago, logboy said:

    i feel like i've seen this character before, in the book 'subway art' some 40 years ago. he was a little different though, white addidas clothes, but the face shape and moustache, the pose were all the same. even the moustache, i think.

    That's cool, I did not know that. I like how at the top of his hat there is a little spray paint nozzle. The pic was taken at a site where a bunch of graff writers associated with the Philadelphia writer Busta do pieces on a wall that encloses a small city block, and every few months they buff everything and put up new work. From what I can tell they are steeped in old school Hip Hop culture, so what you say rings true. Here is another one from that same batch:


  6. On 11/14/2023 at 7:39 AM, auxien said:


    looks to be a significant update to workflow/UI as well as MIDI generation and manipulation, some nice new bits of effects, new Granulator...

    The new midi tools look really fun, also glad they have a global parameter for selecting scales/keys (it is a small thing, but super annoying to have to do this for each new midi track when doing harmonic or melodic stuff in piano roll). Does anyone know how much it will cost if you already have Live 11 ?

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, splesh said:

    I've been thinking about selling my MPC 1000 and buying a Live 2

    Never used a 1000 but had a Live before (never tried Live 2). I remember liking the Live. Sample management and programming beats was a breeze and will probably be familiar to you from the 1000. With the touchscreen you can do cool stuff with the XY controller thing, it basically is a way to control internal effects by placing different parameters on an X and Y axis, very fun to mess around with when it comes to drums/percussion. I miss having an MPC, the timing and swing was really cool. I've seen on forums that people throw shade at Akai, I guess because they did not pay royalties to Roger Linn or something, but it terms of tech they seem to offer lots of new updates and bug fixes consistently, which is nice.

  8. 9 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    not everyone.. but a lot of people. it's typical and not unexpected. americans in particular abhor complexity and want a simple answer so they don't have to think too much.  they'll spend all day setting up their smart TV and entertainment system but RTFMing w/an open mind about anything else is just to omuch trouble. 

    True. I sometimes feel like there is no hope for this country. Feel like the scale of economic inequality is also a big factor here in America too. Like I bet that 30% if not much higher of this country is people who are either poor or are lower-middle class and their major day-to-day worries concern putting food on the table for themselves or their families, and they just don't have the time or the education level to look into these matters with the critical thinking skills that are necessary. Some might say that this is a cop-out, and I sympathize with that view too. As you mention, though, consumerism and all the other crystal-ball social media distractions probably play a big role too. There also seems to be no possibility for a grassroots political movement that attempts to address the giant triplets of economic exploitation, militarism, and racism. Some recent political movements in the last decades have tried to tackle one of these, but they always seem to get bogged down in tangential concerns related to how people identify themselves. And by racism I do not mean isolated cases of unarmed black Americans being killed by police officers but instead large numbers of Palestinians (in this case) who are targeted indiscriminate by IDF with bombs, bullets, and all the rest which are bought and paid for by American tax dollars. It makes me ashamed to have been born here at times, because any American who pays taxes is complicit in these wars the way I see it. 

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  9. Wanted to ask a question for anybody who likes to produce their own music and also has experience DJing. I like to make music in Ableton as a hobby, but I do not have any midi controllers for using Ableton with, and I often struggle to handle transitions between sections that I make in session view. I have had some success doing this, but it is cumbersome and also not very fun or intuitive to set up transitions in arrangement view and then do trial-and-error with editing audio files.

    Now for the DJing part. My main friend group consists of a bunch of buddies I met in college who are part of a DJ crew, and one of them offered to teach me how to DJ. I was thinking of taking him up on this and buying twin decks with a mixer (digital DJing), and my ultimate goal would be to learn how to use the controller so I can then import my own stems into there and be able to intuitively do transitions and mixing on there when making songs. I would probably get one of the Pioneer controllers for this. Wanted to ask if anyone does anything like this and if you would recommend it, pros and cons, things to be aware of before pulling the trigger, etc. ?

  10. Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but I have noticed that when I post a YouTube link in Now Playing (and sometimes in other threads), if that post becomes the first post of a new page in the thread, then for some reason, the YouTube video that ends up in my post is not the one that I linked. Instead, it is the same link from the first post of the previous page (if that makes sense) . . . ? This has happened a few times now and it is a quick fix to go in and edit the post, delete and re-paste the link/video, but wanted to mention it.

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