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Posts posted by jaderpansen

  1. 18 minutes ago, usagi said:

    now that I am actually not a fan of. Hades had like 100 hours of replayability already. I wish game makers would respect players' time more instead of creating games designed to eat it up as much as possible.

    granted and generally agree, most of it was kinda optional tho. "true" ending was achieveable long before that, the rest was more for compulsive completionists... like me. ;(

  2. 57 minutes ago, usagi said:

    I fully expect it to be up to Supergiant's excellent standards. but I have a rule about early access games (which is being severely tested here).

    feels rather fleshed out and well rounded in terms of gameplay already. quite a few assets still missing tho (like certain npc portraits, gear icons etc.)

    from what i can tell its scope is pretty massive in comparison to part 1. going into detail would make spoilers unavoidable tho. 😉


  3. On 5/23/2024 at 3:24 AM, usagi said:

    she's advertising AI products in this very video, wtf?

    yeah, it's not entirely against the concept, more certain business practices / empty promises. hence the 'big tech'. there's quite a big section about open source solutions towards the end.

    just thought it might be interesting hearing critique coming from an insider, so to speak.

    On 5/23/2024 at 2:16 PM, Rubin Farr said:



  4. 1 hour ago, Boxus said:

    I've only listened to 10 minute chunks here and there from the bootlegs but it's incredibly exciting music. I'm hearing grooves like the Untilted/Quaristice era, wild rhythmic energy like Cap.IV, the melodic and textural innovations of their other recent tours. Totally agree an elseq/NTS treatment of this could be incredible. There's got to be a part of them wanting to edit some choice takes down into album form... I mean I'll be thrilled just to get soundboards of the sets but damn, they've got to be tempted to bottle this lightning.

    yeah, as whole those recent sets almost feel like a best-of, but like, "with a twist". they certainly revisit various strengths n styles that feel nicely familiar and yet it's all coming together very organically, not like obviously eclectic or anything (ae_live fourteen was kinda like that, in terms of very distinct sections). the most recent one even made me think of the sheer muscularity of flex at times, while obviously sounding nothing like it lol. hard to explain rly. ending of b still standing out as instant classic imo, massive feels.

    anywhoo, shit's extremely varied and extremely good and i'm absolutely hyped for soundboards.

    (shame they left out almanplace tho 😛)

    • Like 4
  5. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2310.17688


    also as far as the term's concerned: i can't see "intelligence" (in a colloquial sense) developing independently from at least some degree of intentional awareness / content. even the most purposefully guided electrons can't have that... i think.

    i also believe having a body as interface is more integral to "reasoning" than we might think.

    if on the other hand intelligence is to be strictly defined as what is tested in IQ tests, i guess that could be managed quite well automatically alright.

    anywhoo more in the "chinese room" department atm.

    • Like 3
  6. 7 hours ago, d-a-m-o said:

    Praying for the soundboard, this is peak AE.

    ya, nice one. the extended running time gives room for a direct transition from set c into d.

    can't wait for them soundboards, too... agreed, shit's top notch, even for ae standards.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, usagi said:

    I finished pantheons 1-4 but gave up on the last one, ended up just cheesing it with a no-damage cheat to satisfy my 100% completion itch.

    amazing game though. beautiful music that complements the art style hugely.


    absolutely! hauntingly beautiful, wouldn't be the same without it fo sho.

    k, so i finally got p4 without charms yesterday, phew. so back to practicing absRad. got to final phase a couple o times, still not consistent enough to bother going through the rest of p5 again. it seems the best tactic is to play very patiently, concentrate on dodging its crazy barrages of projectiles and only get hits in when opportunity presents itself... those homing balls of energy are a major pain in the ass. also i don't have the pattern behind those insta-beams down yet, regularly dash into the 2nd or 3rd batch.

    still, faint light (pun semi-intended) on the horizon...

  8. On 5/14/2024 at 7:23 PM, WurstPLUS said:

    Last day in my job today, which I lost after a yeah, contract not extended, which just feels utterly wrong and random, 4th boss in this year decided this way. Somewhat you lose a home, security... yadda dadda... Said goodbye to everybody, drove home (30 minute drive), listened to All End. Pure coincidence, later noticed it was the perfect theme for today. 

    surely dodged a bullet there. fuck em!

    • Like 1
  9. On 5/11/2024 at 6:22 AM, usagi said:

    the timing for Pure Vessel is maddeningly difficult. I must've restarted that fight a thousand times.

    K, so i'm trying p4 with all bindings now for the last blue health thingy, no charms being the last one left. test of patience. after failing dozens of times i tried p5 just for fun and reached absRad on first try. so that's that i guess. naturally i got defeated pretty fast but now i can at least practice it as a diversion from p4.

    this whole dlc easily puts any from title to shame in terms of difficulty imo. still motivated tho. i want that ending + achievement. dammit!

  10. Went back to Hollow Knight, got Steel Soul 100% and the time attack achievements. Now pantheon of hollownest is the only one left. Phew. Need to get more consistent with Pure Vessel, quite demanding in terms of reaction time to me. Never even got to Absolute Radiance yet.

    Great game. Silksong pls.

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