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Posts posted by gaarg

  1. Ok, but my first and still most important question remains: If you feel that you don't like some minority or race for this or that reason, is it forbidden to speak it out loud?


    like chaos said, it's legal in most countries, but whether it's socially acceptable is probably highly dependent on where you are.


    I didn't mean by laws, I meant morally and socially. You know, just saying such things in public.


    I believe globalization is a terrible BIG thing, mostly because we haven't grown up enough as a species to do it properly.

  2. Ok, but my first and still most important question remains: If you feel that you don't like some minority or race for this or that reason, is it forbidden to speak it out loud?


    In other news, I love different kinds of people, makes human race much richer, and I'm really really against racism. I feel it was about time I said that since some of you were getting a bit nervous lol.


    Fact remains, we like people better than others. Sometimes it's what they do, sometimes it's how they act, sometimes it's what they look like and sometimes it's gets a bit generalized. It sucks and it'll probably always be like that, but in my opinion...



    Its pretty fucking better if there are several completely different peoples, doing their different stuff in different separated countries, even if they are hostile towards each other, than having one great mass of used-to-be-diverse human beings behaving similar because the globalization killed all other options. Fuck that, ok?


  3. Have people here had any personal experiences with other races (or minorities or whatever) or are you just babbling because of your personal beliefs?


    There's shit in our whole history connected with racism, but all of it can't be thought as evil. Some can be just common sense, you do things your way, other do things their way, you don't like their way, for some reason you are forced to live as neighbours and now you'll pretend you're not bothered any more? Democracy please, you should well express your thoughts, tactfully of course.


    Am I alone on this? I'd really like to hear some experiences on this matter, not just theories how well it is to think of everyone equal and be politically correct and stuff.


    Well. Guy has a point there. If he doesn't like black people he doesn't like them. He was honest about it and they called him stupid and all, well... I think he was the most sanest one there.


    On the same topic, as long as we're gonna go around pretending we're all the same we're fucked. black people are not the same as white people and not the same as any other kinds of peoples. And it's only natural you like some better than others and indeed experience can teach you that you go along better with some than others. You should respect other races imo, but you don't have to like them. If any black person tells me anytime he doesn't like whities because of this and that I won't be offended, as long as he tries to explain himself.

  5. Human kind can never destroy racism, at least not in the kind of society as we've developed up until now.


    Individuals can make a breakthrough or may be non-racial as they are, but the whole people, nah, not in a 1000 years.

  6. Reading Alice in wonderland and its ok.


    Didn't see the movie with Depp and probably never will. Now that I've read through half of the book the trailer looks even more wrong.

  7. A love those books too!


    Just finished Do androids dream of electronic sheep. Wow, great stuff. I always wondered if it was as good as Blade runner lol. I guess it is.

  8. Great thread.


    I've been wanting to make my own desk and table and everything for my room for a few years now. I have some tools at home, I could buy wood, I do have some knowledge on this as I made some furniture for my room a few years back (one piece collapsed and destroyed a loudspeaker though...).


    Working with wood is a beautuful thing and every real man should do it once in a while! At least chop it or something if you're the destructive type...

  9. My girlfriend klicked the play button to Tri Repetae cd2 on my old cd player. The old machine makes static noise sometimes, that has to be manipulated by turning the volume up and down. So second bad vibel starts and she's all like wtf this noise doesn't stop, fucking radio, and I'm all lol and that made my day.


    It might be her favorite ae track ever after.

  10. I like Evangelion. But I don't get it. I watched the series plus movie, read all the available manga and I don't get stuff. Whats seele? Who or what are angels and adam and all that shit? Is there a good web site that explains those things? Or is everything just made up for being more mysterius. Because if that is so, it sucks.

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