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Posts posted by prdctvsm

  1. bust out 'blessed are the sick' vinyl by morbid angel 4 a cpl of sk8r / metal fanboy guests last nite & cranked the stez, letting it play both sides thru on loud. only have 3 metal lps & haven't listened 2 any in years so it was incredible 2 hear again that albums clean power; its metal & ambient songs' flow reverberating, convincing, sophisticated.

  2. intersting topic esp. given dat these social medias r a relatively recent way of communicating / not communicating. i haz nvr dun any fakesbook, twatter, binstagram or nuthin' but haz seen many friends get addicted like wen ppl were hooked on telly. iOnly eva joined wattm coz the awsm music; plato sed sumthink like - those who make the music r the real govt.

  3. @meshgearfox - yr feelings r incorrect sir; i'm not intendin' 2 troll u, or any 1 else here m8. soz if my words come across the www. as such. p. much erry 1 iKno hates vapor, so my posts here a just an attempt 2 further unnerstand, appreciate & connect w. this new music.

    @lane - nice work, *posts brent rambo .gif*

  4. ^thx 4 lnk; dwnld'd '28 Underground - 28 Beats', &'ll listen 2moz @ work yo

    agree w. youze guize 'bout analyzing music 2 much b liek... pfft ! but it duz sum times halp w. wrappin' the ol' headgear around new soundz, imo.

  5. tried about a phew tiems 2 get in 2 Infinite Jest but its footnoting, po-mo, hypertextual endless sentences were just 2 much 2 cope w. but persisted & wen iBroke thru dat ice, iWuz hooked; an awsm book.


    rcntly rd:

    'A Different Drummer: The Story of E.J. Banfield, the Beachcomber of Dunk Island' by Michael Noonan. overly scholarly bio of an early white explorer in the great barrier reef. p. boring read given the explorer's life was so amaze. 6/10

    'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy. harrowing, 10/10

  6. +1


    the anonymity & confusion of artists, artist names, track/songs/album titles etc. is most probly a response/antidote to the perils & ugliness of celebrity culture, & 2 the trappings of fame & 'success'. this removal of personality or individuation is enhanced further by its producers re(de)fining their own genericism. the inherent nostalgia of vaporwave (4 manufactured lifestyles, easy listening, early computing & inbuilt obsolescent formats etc.) is an (an)aesthetic that is by default ironic, even if it isn’t meant 2b ironic. so this (an)aesthetic, liek the sound itself, is dreamlike, repetitive, mnemonic, playful/funny, low-key. innocuous. & therein lies its headfuck & hardcore, imo.

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