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Fred McGriff

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Posts posted by Fred McGriff

  1. I wouldn't do mushies or lsd ever again. Been there done that and got the t-shirt. I don't think I have the minerals to handle them at all, shame really because on their day they can be revolutionary fantastic LoL. And they can be evil.


    I had a full on wide awake ride through Hell on mushrooms once. You know its bad when you try to close your eyes and shut it out but there are still demons and devils rushing at you. I just on kept telling myself the effects would sooner or later wear off and that I wasn't naturally going insane, that single grain of reason that I held onto proberbly stopped my going right into madness. Stratosphericly easily the worst time of my life


    I think there's a certain age when all that shit is great when you are still innocent and naieve but as you get older you should stay away.


    Never really been into weed that much, nowadays I just drink a few beers, glass of wine. If I drink a lot then I might do some coke because it resfreshes the dribbling/sleepy drunkeness. I would do E maybe 4 times a year but have trouble getting anything decent nowadays so hardly bother. Tempted to try this meow meow gear.


    Single malt whiskey and a pipe is the future!


    yeah I'm with you beerwolf

  2. Big ups to the UPS.


    I likey me some rit, addy or charlie and then get me in the studio to make some intense music.


    And to all you hippies that think smoking a few bowls a day does no "long term physical damage", fuck off already.


    why you big upping the UPS. do they deliver? i would like to know more about this as we share the same interests.

  3. is Paper Planes by M.I.A a guilty pleasure or is it genuinely "cool." i fucking love that song man. i loved it when it came out but i wasn't very active about it, and then i heard it on the radio last weekend and i was like, man i fucking love that song. so i downloaded it and i listen to it several times a day now. i cant get enough of that song.

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