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Posts posted by Capsaicin

  1. On my recent trip to Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Me and my girlfriend decided to get tattoos done. Browsing through their catalogues of usual motives of skulls etc. I wondered. And then remembered wouldn't it be cool to have the ae logo. Decided. Whilst getting it done I got the tattooist (who also dug electronic music) to hook my mp3 up to his laptop so I could listen to Autechre whilst gettin my tattoo done!

    Halfwat through someone changed it to Pixies, but thats all good. He liked Autechre and I ended up transferring all me muzak to his laptop. I truly felt like a missionart spreading the word, and was happy in the knowledge that one day soon he would be getting his Autechre breakthrough, and all because of me hehe


    Welcome to the Autechre tattoo club


    Thank you six. Let's see yours then




    I have no idea what this is supposed to be.

    it's from the autechre album that goes WHAP THWAP

  2. pics or gtfo.


    In advance though, if you do have the Ae logo that is fucking killer awesome


    here yar go matey. Try not to get too turned on and hot by my sexy hairless bosom, harwharwaharr

    dude that's fucking awesome! I was considering getting that exact same ae logo done if I ever decide I want a tatoo

    It's, like, the only ae logo, dan.

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