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Posts posted by Capsaicin

  1. Naked Lunch by burroughs

    I read this recently. Mixed thoughts. It was interesting at times but then at other points I just thought it was inane drivel.

    Definitely had some brilliant moments


    Definitely had some subpar moments


    I'd have liked it if he'd written a novel with a little less sex and more drugs and hallucinations

  2. I've got almost everything (pure Ae/Gescom, not Ae appearances as Remixers) except some old Gescom tunes. BUT: Where the fuck is my Chiastic Slide CD? I was searching for it yesterday, but cannot find it. :diablo: Tewe and Cichli, my favorite tracks on that one.

    Take a picture of all of it. I need something new to masturbate to.


    only ae vinyl i got is the second part of cichlisuite because it was really cheap

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