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Friendly Foil

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Posts posted by Friendly Foil

  1. I'm not denying or dismissing anything. It's just kind of disturbing how so many people jump on the "omg rapist"-bandwagon right away. Where I come from, people are normally considered innocent until proven otherwise but it kind of seems like the accused has to prove he (or she?!) didn't do it instead of the other way around, in these types of cases. And that's weird.

    Maybe I just missed some super important piece of evidence. Haven't paid much attention to this thing.

  2. finally finished the last of us,only took me bout 18 months on and off!.amazing experience,so nerve shredding at times,and genuinely moving and beautiful too,well worthy of the hype,thinking of getting the left behind dlc,anyone played it? 11.99 on ps store,worth it?

    Yea it's really good. Pretty short and not a lot of "real" combat. But good!
  3. Played Thief (the new one). I'll probably never get good at stealth games but I do enjoy breaking them, because this one really doesn't handle you going full-Rambo very well. Also, they crammed COD-like set pieces in there with you falling through roofs and buildings collapsing all around you in one level, which was super cool and fitting for a game where you play as a sneaky thief. There was also some exciting stuff about blue crystals that turn your girlfriend or sister or whatever into a ghost, resulting in spooky hallucinations.

    Great game.

  4. I'm about 10 hours into Dragon Age: Inquisition on PS4. This game is really good. The areas to explore are huge. I've spent the majority of my 10 hours in just one area so far and am still discovering new things in that area. Right now my time is split between Warlords of Draenor and DA:I. I'm a very happy RPG gamer right now.

    9 more areas to go. Just be careful that you don't over-level your character, now that enemies don't scale anymore.
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