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Posts posted by doorjamb

  1. slowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfast




    anybody want to take a stab at what the cover image might be? sure, it's DR so it's likely just a cool looking circle graphic thing, but I have often wondered if it could be an open bucket of red paint (the black bits being the handle curving up), or a traffic light, or HAL from 2001, or...

  2. Did you manage to get hold of this in the end?


    quite appropriately, it was released only in ephemeral (ghostly!) download-only format (no physical manifestation exists on this plane).


    sorry if that's not what you meant.

  3. Didn't look at all impressive though, as there's no back cover on the original CDRs to show through the spine. Just plain old blank plastic.


    I like it; Tuss-stylez. Sometimes I just pick a CD at random and let myself be surprised by what comes out of my speakers.

  4. July 31:


    Riding on a bus, I notice a lady carrying two flimsy plastic tote bags each containing a live human fetus suspended in liquid.

    Suddenly the bus is rammed by some other vehicle and crashes into a building. The woman is injured and is screaming, trying to save her fetuses.

    I realize that the vehicle that hit the bus did it intentionally: it was filled with enemy agents trying to get the lady's fetuses.

    I grab the bags and begin sprinting away from the scene in an attempt to save them. The agents chase me as I run through neighborhood streets lined with chain link fences and bungalows.

    As I am running, one of the bags rips and the fetus and goop pour out onto the street, but I can't stop because I have to save the other fetus if I can.

    I spot a distinguished-looking couple out for a stroll and run up to them to ask for help. They turn to me and I realize... they're NAZIS! (they don't have uniforms or anything, I can just tell through weird dream logic)

    They begin to mock me and laugh at me, telling me I have no chance of escape. I run off down the street, which becomes a tunnel/aqueduct lined with tiles.

    The Nazi man is following me slowly, laughing and saying I have nowhere to go. I trip and fall on the tiles, causing the second bag to rip and spill it's goopy fetus everywhere.

    Turning to look at the approaching man I notice he has become Stephen Colbert. Colbert continues to mock me for awhile (I don't remember the conversation very well).

    At some point I respond to him with the words "Love? Bite me!" He quickly gives me a manic look and says "LOVE BITES!" and throws a snapping turtle on the tiles in front of me.

    The last thing I remember is scrambling across the tile floor away from this evil snapping turtle while Stephen Colbert laughs his ass off.

  5. that quiet stoner kid: wore mirrored sunglasses through every class, smoked in the bathrooms, smoked in the parking lot, smoked in the courtyard... nearly every one of my teachers and even the principal at some point mentioned that they were well aware I was blazed every single day, but I never once got in trouble for it.


    I actually quite enjoyed high school, good times

  6. Oprah told me to read One Hundred Years of Solitude... so of course I didn't.


    then I read a GGM short story and it was good so I finally picked up One Hundred Years last week, and it turns out it's really good


    damn you oprah

  7. Yesterday I read De Quincey's Confessions of an English Opium Eater, a nifty little artifact of drug history if nothing else.


    Today I shall tackle Barth's Lost in the Funhouse. I also have a copy of Ulysses (Joyce) sitting on my desk looking dauntingly impregnable.



    edit: and I keep getting the urge to reread Lloyd Alexander's Taran, Wanderer series. I used to love those as a kid

  8. just started: all of carlos castaneda's books


    nice! I had just biked in to say I'd had second thoughts about Satyricon since I already know how it ends, so I've picked up Journey to Ixtlan instead (never read any Castaneda before)

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