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Posts posted by ManjuShri

  1. https://www.colorado.edu/today/2022/05/18/astronauts-may-one-day-drink-water-ancient-moon-volcanoes



    Billions of years ago, a series of volcanic eruptions broke loose on the moon, blanketing hundreds of thousands of square miles of the orb’s surface in hot lava. Over the eons, that lava created the dark blotches, or maria, that give the face of the moon its familiar appearance today.

    New research from CU Boulder suggests that volcanoes may have left another lasting impact on the lunar surface: sheets of ice that dot the moon’s poles and, in some places, could measure dozens or even hundreds of feet thick.



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  2. The battle is about whether smoking tobacco or snuffing it is better.
     "If only your nose wasn't right in front of your face. It would better if it was fixed on the backside of your head. Then the dirt could run out of it, and we could still drink a glass together".


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