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Posts posted by beariksson

  1. It's about time we had a new paint competition.


    You have to design the new album Autechre album cover as you think it will look.

    This will probably also help TDR in their design when they browse this very topic.

    You may only use Sumo Paint or deviantARTs Muro (works on iPads).

    They should work on Linux, Mac and Windows in any new proper web browser. (Not sure about Android.)


    If two entries are very similar to the real album cover (highly unlikely) the winner will be decided through average per pixel color difference.

    I'm not sure what the prize will be yet but we'll figure something out.

    The competition obviously ends when the album cover art is released by Warp Intelligent Dance Music Records ® ™.


    Submit your entry to this thread as an image.


    Have fun¡

  2. So whys it called math rock then ?


    Characterised by complex, atypical rhythmic structures (including irregular stopping and starting), angular melodies, and dissonant chords [...]


    “It [the term ‘math rock’] was invented by a friend of ours as a derogatory term for a band me and James [Lo – Chavez’s drummer] played in called Wider. But his whole joke is that he’d watch the song and not react at all, and then take out his calculator to figure out how good the song was. So he’d call it math rock, and it was a total diss, as it should be.”



    i don't know if its a good read, haven't read all of it, but I think it covers it


    it such a stupid name for a genre, just like IDM

    in fact math rock could be the rock equivalent of IDM - IRM (intelligent rock music)


    I love this album:




  3. also this video


    I don't know if it's very math-y, but it's fucking insane imo


    most of those bands are pretty sucky though, so I might have to retract that "very much so" statement.

    I like early 'don cab', 'battles', early 'tera melos' (new album is fail), some 'hella'/'zach hill' and some 'by the end of tonight'

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