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Suffocate Peon

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Posts posted by Suffocate Peon

  1. I have two Jack Russel terriers. I like them because they're small and lively even though they're about 14 years old. When I was younger i liked Yorkshire Terriers because my friend had one. The dog had a hole in its skull so you couldn't pat him very hard. I wouldn't like that kind of dog now, because they're a bit scrawny. I love the look of bull terriers as well. I'm not keen on big dogs.


    I think that's the sort of answer I'd give at school. I don't know how to put any of that in a less dry manner.

  2. 4 and Logon Rock Witch are the best opening and closing tracks of any RDJ release imo.


    Initially found this hard to get into. Hangable Auto Bulb from the ep is given room to breathe and move around which I prefer as you can really get into it, whereas a lot of these tracks are in a hurry to not get bogged down. I like that the photo on the album cover is so sharp and modern compared to ICBYD's rough painted portrait.


    I love how lacking in pretense it is, the way 4 just begins suddenly yet the honest beauty of it is incredible. It's so direct and undiluted, and free of any baggage that listening to it is like being purified. Even now, I'm listening to some other music, and I like it, but the 'drill n bass' sound and some electronic music just cuts through all the shite like a knife, cuts to the bone, gets to the point, doesn't meander around until it annoys you, and it's why nothing can close to it for me. Just me? I came obsessed with this track for a bit.


    Fingerbib seduces you. I think if i was to show aphex twin to anyone new to him, I'd play them that.


    I find To Cure a Weakling Child to be the weakest track on there.


    Goon Goombas sounds like a videogame tune.


    I love Yellow Calx. 0:04 and 0:45 - 1:00 is incredible I think. Again it's just the razor sharp quality of the drill sound with the ambience underneath which I find so orgasmic. I see every track on this album as yellow. It's very yellow..


    Logon Rock Witch is one of my favourite Aphex Twin tracks. Again I can't think of any other way to describe it other than so pure and melancholic (if Fingerbib epitomizes music that can be seductive, then this epitomizes melancholy), and unmatched and abstract and timeless.


    I wish it was longer, I wish there were more tracks in this style from him, excluding the extended edition. It's not my favourite Aphex Twin album, I don't have one, just favourite tracks (most of them on drukqs so that's my fave by default). This seems to be the album non Aphex Twin fans cite as their favourite, I see it cropping up in rock/indie music lists. RDJ's pop album.

  3. Ziggomatic 17 4:42-4:50 i think of crackers


    Hangable Auto Bulb 2:15-3:00 is my favourite moment of the ep. I don't know anything about the process or the equipment used, that sound with isn't the ambience or clasps, is that a rolling drum sound..or anything to do with a drum machine? Don't snigger, I have no idea. I wonder the same about Pro Radii.. I love that sound.

  4. 1 minute into Ziggomatic 17. I never noticed it at first, because it works so well and it all went over my heard anyway for the first dozen listens, then when I did notice it I wondered how I missed it. That track really is a masterpiece. From tranquil to crazed and back again. If Aphex Twin does release another album I really really hope for more of this kind of stuff. 8 minute long composite tracks. Vordhosbn, Cock ver 10, Mt. Saint Michael, 54 Cymru Beats and Ziggomatic 17 are pretty much my favourite tracks ever.



    And 7:11..

  5. So what happened to all those blokes who were saying that this was obviously fake and we'd all be feeling stupid when the real oversteps came out?


    I am one. I don't care anymore. That's it really. Nothing has changed; i still think 12 of those tracks are really poor and among their worse. Autechre can do anything they want, but they were always interesting and confounding. The complete lack of variety is mystifying. They're taking it easy. I think Notwo and Outh9x and a lot of the dark ambient tracks on Quaristice Versions/Quadrange are amazing. After 20 years, how do they still do it??? They don't. Must be hard. No one is infallible it would seem. That spark and energy I want from music is not there. It sounds limp.


    Sucks to be you. :trashbear:

    Yeah it does. Oh right yeah the not liking Oversteps thing.


    sidewinder; get to the end. After 7 tracks in, try to distinguish one track from the next. I'll stop now, people on the net don't take well to someone persistently hating on something they love. That and I don't care enough.

  6. So what happened to all those blokes who were saying that this was obviously fake and we'd all be feeling stupid when the real oversteps came out?


    I am one. I don't care anymore. That's it really. Nothing has changed; i still think 12 of those tracks are really poor and among their worse. Autechre can do anything they want, but they were always interesting and confounding. The complete lack of variety is mystifying. They're taking it easy. I think Notwo and Outh9x and a lot of the dark ambient tracks on Quaristice Versions/Quadrange are amazing. After 20 years, how do they still do it??? They don't. Must be hard. No one is infallible it would seem. That spark and energy I want from music is not there. It sounds limp.

  7. Oh God they've reviewed the promo, meaning it's real. Oh God I feel sick, I've not had anything to eat, but it's the promo, it's terrible. Just the thought of see on see being a highlight, rather than a pretty interim track before the epic Treale. Which isn't epic or mind blowing I have to say. It's poo. see on see being so direct and crystal clear with a memorable melody I want to hear again and again, and most of the rest being convulated, forgettable, primitive, aimless and meandering.




    But I am already crying inside.


    This is pathetic


    Which bit?

  8. Oh God they've reviewed the promo, meaning it's real. Oh God I feel sick, I've not had anything to eat, but it's the promo, it's terrible. Just the thought of see on see being a highlight, rather than a pretty interim track before the epic Treale. Which isn't epic or mind blowing I have to say. It's poo. see on see being so direct and crystal clear with a memorable melody I want to hear again and again, and most of the rest being convulated, forgettable, primitive, aimless and meandering.




    But I am already crying inside.

  9. Calvacade is my favourite, then Huge Chrome and Hospitality. To me they're his most tuneful, pure and fun releases.


    Pwntendo is incredible. I've never heard anything so ecstatic and enthused. 1:26 to 1:41 is breathtaking.

  10. This is what I have:


    01: 5.07

    02: 10.26

    03: 4.37

    04: 4.04

    05: 4.33

    06: 4.33

    07: 6.01

    08: 4.49

    09: 4.34

    10: 4.36

    11: 5.47

    12: 3.48

    13: 6.00

    14: 5.50

    I like the way those times don't match the track lengths taken from that guy's last fm page who is doing the interview.


    Do you have those numbers again by chance?



    01 r ess (5:12)

    02 ilanders (5:32)

    03 known(1) ??

    04 pt2ph8 (4:09)

    05 qplay (4:38)

    06 see on see (4:37)

    07 Treale (6:05)

    08 os veix3 (4:37)

    09 O=0 (4:52)

    10 d-sho qub (6:26)

    11 st epreo (1:43)

    12 redfall (3:48)

    13 krYlon (6:08)

    14 Yuop (9:58)

  11. It's what Autechre mean when they say you begin to prefer their previous album before the new one: that however chaotic and complex and bewildering their music can be, it's always underpinned by good songwriting that reveals its genuine quality over time.

    So just to recap, the quality of Ae's material reveals itself over long time periods, and on that basis, you are able to confidently state that the music you heard 12 hours ago does not possess that quality.

    Thanks for playing.



    I found it tedious on first listen, tedious on the second listen, and tedious on the third listen. And so on. It couldn't sound anymore like someone read the interview snippet and heard the radio show and hurriedly put together his best soundalikes amongst the two tracks. I think everyone is on a huge wind-up anyway, something to do to pass the time. If it is legit, then, well, they've lost the ability to make ineresting songs. Except, coincidentally, the two from the radio show, that is so weird??!?!


    It's just mind numbing bland mush. Nothing breathes, it has no gravitas, none of it is distinctive and memorable. If people are going to mistake someone having that opinion as 'well, it just takes time! Surely when you heard every other Autechre album you also thought it was tedious bland mush!' then, yeah, go ahead.


    Anyway, see on see is coming up now. It's great. weeeee

  12. Just by reading this thread I can tell it's not legit...or at least I HOPE it's not. Anybody out there VERY happy about what you're hearing?


    I am. From what I can tell so far (after only a couple listens) this album isn't about rhythm nor melody. It's about voicing. If you listen for only melody it's going to sound a bit aimless and meandering. If you listen for rhythm it'll sound simplistic. If you listen for voicing and counterpoint it is a very sophisticated album.


    That's just what I've got from it so far. If it turns out to be a fake, I'll be glad to have downloaded it before it gets forgotten.


    Ditto. You're so fucking on point with this "read" on the album. The rest of you guys are probably listening with a pre-determined filter/bias. Autechre is not going to release supercomplicated shit just to be supercomplicated. There's a larger purpose to this album, which I can say Untilted and Quaristice strayed away from achieving. Allow them the chance to prove there is a method to their madness.


    It's really simple for me. It's either exciting, interesting and engaging or it isn't. Those two fakes I heard weren't. They were just nice and alright. I'm not keen on Quaristice, but I've always felt the songs are classic songs, and moreso when listening to it after those fakes. I still can't get into Perlence, but I still think it's a good song. There's still something about it that means I keep returning to it.


    It's what Autechre mean when they say you begin to prefer their previous album before the new one: that however chaotic and complex and bewildering their music can be, it's always underpinned by good songwriting that reveals its genuine quality over time.


    Now see on see has just come on. Is this thread a wind-up? People don't think it is more engaging than everything else on there (ilanders excepted)? See on see is Plaid-like, and is straightforward somewhat. What is there to say though other than it doesn't bore me and the rest do.


    Everything except see on see and ilanders on this promo is bland mush. Every Autechre album has tracks that start with absolute surprising conviction in contrast to the one before it. With Quaristice, it was like they could go in any direction. I listen to Autechre for moments like Tankakern and WNSN.


    There is a big difference between wanting to return to an album because it first intrigued you and still confounds you and not wanting to return to it simply because it bored you. This promo is making songs like Pule and Melve sound like classic songs. I've actually always liked both. I can't see why after 20 years they'll have suddenly lost the ability to write classic songs.


    Though I know probably the least of all the people here, I know nothing of recording techniques and have been listening to them for just a few years. That's why I'm so surprised that people who do know a lot only seem to enjoy Autechre cosmetically.


    Then again, I think you made it.


    Listening to it for the 2nd time in earphones at the moment. If this is legit I'll attempt to swallow my fist and risk certain death, cos if it is legit I'll be too disappointed to care.


    I think I prefer the first two fakes.

  13. so for the people not jizzing out of their ears after listening to this, what are your thoughts?


    see on see and ilanders is autechre. The rest is not. The rest is mind numbing tedious rubbish. Autechre are great song writers who write distinctive, engaging songs that I love to listen to again and again and again, and this applies to everything they've done, even the stuff I'm not fond of. I don't like Plaid. I like see on see. I'd like to hear it again. I also like ilanders. I'd like to hear it again too.


    I am frankly amazed how quick people are to proclaim their love for anything Autechre-like.

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