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hot for baphomet

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    the express lane of the mindway
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  1. i never liked rage against the machine. something about hearing "anti-establishment" songs on top-40 radio stations and being able to buy their cd at wal-mart never sat well with me. that said, i found their song "renegades of funk" to be especially insulting. it's like zach de la rocha decided that we're ignorant about funk music and decided to teach us a lesson from the top40osphere.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANZyuRh5d1o literally, he comes out of the intro saying "oochie coochie la la la, i am the brains and i'm up to par" -- at least he's modest :) oh, and you have to PROMISE to give him the oochie coochie. mc brains doesn't take chances, he only accepts commitments.
  3. Acousmatic music is a form of electroacoustic music that deals specifically with acousmatic sound as a compositional resource. The practice has a historical basis in musique concrete. It can be created using non-acoustic technology, exists only in a recorded format (as a fixed medium), and is composed for reception via loudspeakers. The compositional material is not restricted to the inclusion of sonorities derived from musical instruments or voices, nor to elements traditionally thought of as 'musical' (melody, harmony, rhythm, metre and so on), but rather admits any sound, acoustic or synthetic. With the aid of various technologies, such as digital signal processing tools and digital audio workstations, this material can then be combined, juxtaposed, and transformed, in any conceivable manner. In this context the compositional method can be seen as a process of sound organisation: a term first used by the French composer Edgard Varèse[1] holy FUCKING SHIT i swear i'm just going to go back and listen to lady gaga and start dancing pointlessly in the hope that my being a low-iq heathen will offset at least 10 of you acousmatic scene fucks. THERE IS NO ACOUSMATIC SCENE. THERE ARE ONLY SUPPORT GROUPS!
  4. having spent a chunk of my life around god, i assure you, a trained theosophian, in a decent room, on decent gear, will kick more ass than anyone who worries about those 8 bits which seperate us all.
  5. "you're just not listening the right way, or you haven't tried hard enough to figure it out." that one little retort there just made my life :)
  6. i'll look past the first two paragraphs and hope you're a girl: marry me!
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