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Posts posted by Brandi_B

  1. dblue glitch, sugarbytes effectix, cable guys time shaper. Drum loops that are acoustic drums running through those plugins. The end. 303 bassline. 

    On 9/25/2020 at 1:47 AM, Braintree said:

    I can finally do this properly!

    you did it a long time ago and continue to, cheers, you're one of the best braintree!

    • Thanks 1
  2. Joyrex why you no come meet Aphex Twin. I invited you during ? Good times. Chatmm was good for syncing albums. Do it. Get together and say i picked 3 albums if you have them load them up in your music player we'll start whatever album say "i care because you do" at 8:30 pm est and start 3-2-1 and then it plays for everyone on their computer and we chat about what we think about it or what we are doing. I enjoyed doing it. Good times also. 

    • Like 1
    • Burger 2
  3. Towards the end of school I had some of the coolest trainers though (Nike Omega, Adidas Munchen, I mourn their passing to this day).


    I can get down with that. I was way into cool adidas and some of the cooler (read: raverish) sneaks from skate companies starting in 8th grade through high school. A lot of kids these days have reverted back to chucks or very basic looking sneakers. Makes me a bit sad face. :_(


    In fact i'm a bit pissed with adidas b/c they went in a direction I don't really like.

  4. normal shot:




    panorama 1:




    panorama 2:




    I used some trial software for the panorama shots, hence the dividing lines... if I pay, those wouldn't be there. but meh.

    Nice! Curse you for having windows right there. The only window in my living room is about 8" from the front of wahtver cars are parked right there, and if I open the windows all I get is exhaust fumes and the noise of cars driving right by. So yes. Do not take them beautiful greens for granted =D


    Edit: Just noticed the grrovy thing above the bed running along the wall. V. nice.



    Everybody's all into these abelton type controllers, why can't i be normal and like them too. I just don't vibe with them :( Plus I don't use abelton b/c I don't vibe with it either.

  5. Are you aware, that Istanbul....


    was Constantinople, but now it's Istanbul not Constantinople, so if you have a date in Constantinople she'll be waiting in Istanbul?

  6. here is my studio, I have a monomachine added to the equation now, and expecting my mixing console soon :)




    old pic of when i actually had some hardware

    this was before i got the Yamaha AW4416




    I've been trying to think of something to say, a deep comment or something, but I guess I'm in too much awe. So oscillik and Kodomo, very nice studios, I am totally jelly. Kodomo I am envious of your Minimoog voyager. That's something I'd really like to add to my setup.


    Also uptowndevil, I love that lighting, I think I may need to bring some different colored lights and lava lamps back into my life =D

  7. Not done organizing, and missing some gear. But wanted to share my new desk and other red stuff ;) Not good quality pic, nor is everything on the side table plugged in, but it took me forever to put that desk together and I want to show off the fruits of my laborz.









    The purple box is the "agent 00funk" filter/env follower. It is absolutely fantastic, and I recommend everyone buy one. It's all analog and can do OB to rolandy 101-303 ish distorted filter sound, and just has a fantastic bite to it. The filter tracks extremely well and can be super sweet and nice and uber gnarly and brutal. :)

    My filter factory is in for repairs, and there's a good bit of pedals and other guitar stuff scattered about while I re-vamp my setup. Also my cz-1 is back in NC cuz I didn't want to drive across the country with that heavy anvil of a synth. Sold my mopho (gonna get a mopho kb) and yamaha rs7000. The rs was awesome, but when you record you can only hear what you are playing and not the rest of the sounds, which is major fail. I have re-welcomed electribes into my life. Speaking of which the er,es, and ea are also not pictured (had them up for sale, buyer backed out, will likely hold onto the er).



    oh and I bought some red thing ;P~~~~~~~


  8. big black bomb perhaps?



    anyway, meh. i mean it's not bad, but maybe put some swing in that beat for once in your life TR


    I constantly play a swingy version of the acoustic riff from "The Becoming" almost every time I pick up my acoustic guitar. That and bluesy version of blackbird. A lot of NIN translates well to blues and swing/jazz.


    All the same. Trent loves the "tight assedness" quantized sound, not expecting him to ever make anything swingy. "Only" is maybe the closest thing that jumps to mind, but it's still very tight.

  9. The vocal melody reminds me so much of some song and it's being driving me soooooo insane since last night trying to pin it. It's a song that's the title track to an album I think, likely sung by a female. Damnit rezzzzzz.


    Kinda like how it took me forever to figure out it was Blur's "song two" that "getting smaller" from with teeth reminded me of.


    and marilyn manson's "new model" reminded me of my sharona. All things that drove me nuts till i figured it out.





    I think there's a certain age when all that shit is great when you are still innocent and naieve but as you get older you should stay away.




    I think it's more about where you are in life, than age exactly. For example, the guys that pretty much brought acid into circulation (leary, ram dass, metzer, Huxley, not to mention the beatles) were all in their ealry/mid 30's when they got into it.

  11. i like the fact that with shrooms i can lower the dosage, a single tab of acid left me in a seriously wierd place for 20 fuckin hours pretty much. with shrooms i can just have a little trip by only brewing up 50 or so that i know isnt gonna go much further than a warm euphoria, the gigglys, and a sense of slight detachment from reality. acid is either full blown twatted or you dont take it.


    Well mushrooms you can measure the weight of the dry amount and dose according to that, granted there are hundreds of different cubensis strains that have different potency, and highs. Best to go on word of mouth with both acid and mushrooms, but shrooms are generally calculated easier.


    Ie - with acid your friend that trips all the time is like "Man I took 3 hits of that stuff and I was GONE" meaning you should likely take 1 or a half and feel it out before committing. Then again acid affects everyone differently, set, setting, mood, sleep, health, etc can all be factors in how it affects someone.


    WHile with mushrooms, unless you have like a super strength strain like Puerto Ricans or something (which you likely would've been told and paid a lil extra for), you can go by grams. Like 1 gram, meh. 2.5 decent mild to intense, but not to lengthy. 3.5-4.5 - Good trip. 5 grams + and you're going to Andromeda or somewhere close by.

  12. And what about electric taste ?

    I got this feeling (same as licking batteries) during my first time with 2C-I. I was quite anxious at the time, then i read it was pretty common among psychedelic users. Anyone knows what I'm talking about ? I can also feel that taste when i'm not on drugs. When i'm suffering a sudden stress (I.e when adrenalin is running into my veins) i feel a fucking strong metallic taste, it feels like my mouth has turned into metal.

    Yeah I always got that with acid, with the exception of gel tabs and sugar cubes. Was almost like a brief metal menthol, or like aluminum foil. Lots of people will say it's in your head, and acid has no taste but i disagree. While acid itself may have no taste, acid on paper usually has that metallic taste (in my experience). That was usually my clue as to whether I had been sold real or fake stuff. If I got the metal taste I was like wooo. But then sometimes I didn't notice it (or it wasn't there?) and i'd think I had been burned, then suddenly two hours later the carpet is breathing.

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