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Posts posted by joseph

  1. 6 hours ago, WurstPLUS said:

    Haha I was expecting expecting a flow of examples nullifying my statement.

    Aqueduct 312 BC

    I think your statement (with "amongst") is basically correct, Dimitri. The first "interesting beat timing" tracks were released in 1997 (*awaits refutation*). Pule and Characi also deserve (IMO) to be placed in this category.

  2. I recently discovered a couple of items and thought I'd share them with the discriminating listeners who might read this thread.

    First, a recording of a radio broadcast of an excellent interview involving Romulo Del Castillo, Gabe Koch (of M3rck Records), and others. Musical selections are also presented.

    Second, a DJ set from Romulo del Castillo:


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  3. I saw them in Denver in 2015 and was blown away by how visceral/"physical" the sounds were. At one point near the end there was something that sounded very much like an explosion/bomb going off near the front of the stage -- I don't recall this coming across in the soundboard. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, th555 said:

    [quote=Rob]Sunvox yeah, i used it on a few tracks, one heavily, one thats out.[/quote]

    I seem to recall some speculation that it was "t ess xi" (I don't have the knowlege to argue for/against)

  5. 7 minutes ago, thefxbip said:

    ''people are afraid of smell''


    The most interesting part of that observation though was that he suggested that smell is one way they can detect whether an audience is "into it".

    maybe that could be incorporated into the rig somehow

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