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Posts posted by joseph

  1. i think their audience doesnt judge them as harshly as aphex's audience. granted, usually the same people :-)

    If you take a cross section of all the work theyve put out, i'd say it is much more consistent quality-wise than Aphex's output. methink this justifies our excitement despite any previews or text





    spl9 kind of reminds me of their phoenecia remix, in any case it sounds awesome

  2. There's a lot of back and forth about Oversteps, its place in their discography, how good it is, etc. Put me firmly in the "love" side of this discussion. Every time I listen to Oversteps it grows on me even more. I feel like I understand the internal logic of each track to a much greater extent than I did, and I realize now what a masterful, and beautiful work of art it is. When I first heard it I was pretty skeptical and underwhelmed, but now it's a favorite -- hard to compare with albums like Draft, say, or even chiastic slide, but way up there for me.

  3. Wow, this topic has got me listening to Untilted for the first time in a long while... It's blowing my mind all over again.


    Edit: What the hell is the time signature at the beginning of Augmatic Disport?!


  4. well, we're really nitpicking here, because sublimit and surripere are two of the best tracks laid down ever, period. Sublimit wins for me because I find it more rhythmically pleasing. Also, the beat is more insane and the sounds are more fucked up/maniacal.

  5. Here's a video that I found earlier this year. It's a video by Masaka Tanako, part of an ongoing "visual representation of Oval's early 2000s period". It's quite good



    Also I want to post another of my favorite Oval tracks that often is overlooked.



    It's mainly glitch, ambient, noise etc. This man can create amazing moods and soundscapes with the techniques he's developed over the last 20 years. I've actually been moved to tears by the first track on Ovalcommers.


    As long as I'm here, I'd like to discuss the theory that he has Bipolar (Manic Depression).


    For a start, he is a very talented and successful musician, who obviously has a creative spark. If you look at his discography, you'll see a nine-year gap (2001-2010) during which he released nothing. It's natural for people with bipolar to take breaks or lapses in their creative work, possibly from a lack of energy or motivation.


    His track titles give some insight into the way he thinks. Titles like "Brahms Mania" seem to express a conflict between the states of energy and relaxation. There are other titles; "Vegas Top", "Cry", "Rainyday" and "Happyend" which clearly have an emotional charge.


    But, most of all, his music just seems to scream Bipolar. Some of the moods he has expressed in his work are extremely powerful. Ovalcommers track 1, for example, is easily the most euphoric, most psychotically happy piece of music I have ever heard! Not only is it ecstatic, it actually feels like one must disregard reality to experience its mood. More subtly, the tenth track on Ovalprocess is reminiscent of psychological dissociation, of feeling disconnected and unreal. There's also "Eigentlichen 2.0" from OvalDNA, which is manic in a more sarcastic way, and "Heroic", which has a deep, serious demeanour of anguish and turmoil.


    This is just an idea I had (we tend to come up with lots of new ideas), but I thought it would be interesting. Anyway, let us discuss Oval and the wonders of Ovalprocess software.


    I love how energetic and forceful the intro to ovalcommers is. you can't ignore it, you can't let it become background music. I agree with you that Oval's music is among the most purely "happy" I have ever heard. I don't know much about bipolar/manic depression but I think you are probably right. he really harnesses it to make compelling music.


    Speaking of oval-related software, I still haven't downloaded the damn OvalDNA software from Shitkatapult because of the bizarre way you have to do it. It's supposed to get an open-source release eventually so I guess i'll just wait. looks fun though.

  6. drugs are for losers who can't handle reality.

    I think you've got it backwards!I've been getting into 2c-b in the last week or so. It's really awesome and is becoming one of my favorites, basically within an hour you get launched into a euphoric peak but without the time commitment of acid or mescaline (you're down within 3-4 hours). Also it's less visual (at least for the amts I have tried so far). I would highly recommend it to anyone who has the opportunity, just really fun.

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