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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by DerWaschbar

  1. yeah totes. i explained to her that the poofyness was a good thing because it made me look HUGE and intimidating. she didnt really see it, but she gave it to me so im p happy.

    shes not really a b thats just how we talk to each other. p much the best girl for me anyways.

  2. I found a fledgling bird with a broken leg hopping around my work yesterday, where there is a cat that comes around all the time and kills everything. I didn't see the mom visiting it all day, so I took it home.

    Scrounged up some centipedes and grubs last night from underneath rocks and fed her from a pair of tweezers, made her a soft bed in a box with holes and I lined the bottom with towels so she could grip it OK.

    This morning I woke up and she was pretty peppy and seemed OK and then an hour later I checked on her and she was dead.

    Just a cute little bird, too fair for this world.









    (soon to be a x-post with the bad taxidermy thread :( )

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