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the shift

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this is the first draft (i just started it yesterday). it's dark ambient/electro/trance/techno...


i've still got alot of ideas I need to work into this one, it's kinda loop-ish right now. I'll post it again when it's all finished up.


all critisizm/comments welcome as always.






Edit: I had to record this on a free mp3 recorder, so the clarity suffered a little. anyone know of a free wav to mp3 converter that converts clearly?

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Guest thisket

Quite nice. I liked the bassline & the clever use of claps. Very dark & windy sounding, kind've Polygon Windowish. More reverbs and delays may enhance it a little.


A good wav-to-mp3 encoder is Exact Audio Copy. It's slightly involved, but rewarding. And why yousendit.com?


Now you have to review my similar songs that no one was very interested in - http://forum.watmm.com/index.php?showtopic=10788.

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Guest yan_g



don't like the kick when it enters. for me doesn't fit with the sounds already there. no problem with it once all the persuccion sounds are there tho. melodywise it's quite repetitive but not much of a problem actually. hate the claps but that's obviously a metter of taste :grin: don't like ride either btw. neither the snare :grin:

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