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new jam

Guest JW Modestburns

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Guest JW Modestburns

Hey guys,


let me start by saying that I haven't posted a new track in here in about 3 years, I took a nice long break from making music.


as for the track, I started messing around sampling a few weeks ago and finally put together a track the other night. Its a short 3min thingy.


I would appreciate any feedback on this.


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Interesting style, the piano at the start works well, overall nice, tense and crisp too, it kind of teases towards the end,sounding like it's going to break out and then of course ends but yeah, this is cool. Would definitely listen to a longer version too.

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Guest JW Modestburns
Interesting style, the piano at the start works well, overall nice, tense and crisp too, it kind of teases towards the end,sounding like it's going to break out and then of course ends but yeah, this is cool. Would definitely listen to a longer version too.

thanks for listening guys,


I think that I am going to continue on with track and make it longer. I'm thinking about developing those drums near the end a bit better.

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Guest JW Modestburns
agree with m.leafeater.dl needs fast breaks

heh, i was trying to make at least one track without fast breaks. :)

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Guest yan_g

sounds very good but it seems kinda empty, as if the vocals were removed from the mix, after the intro when that fast break appealing line appears. loved the intro, the mix between samples and synthesis is quite good, love those high pitched sounds and scratches. interested in hearing it a little more developped too.

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