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Ambrose Burnside+Swinoob - Split EP

Guest No Pomo

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I dutifully listened to the whole thing:


Swinoob - F4F Forage for Freedom


Quite like the background 8-bit music - some nice themes in there.

Is that sampled or composed?

The way the bassline was so loud it ducked out the other sounds was an interesting idea (assuming it was deliberate? you can never tell these days lol) ... but it got on my nerves after about 10 seconds.

Quite a short track and its hard for very short tracks to win a place in my heart.


Ambrose Burnside - Yellow Rift Tide


00:12 - nice distorted beat

00:20 - intense whine and interesting vocal sample

00:31 - and so it cotinues

00:45 - the second bit of the vocal sample

00:50 - all kinds of noisy stuff

01:05 - vocal cut ups return

01:38 - impressively intense but all getting a bit too noisy for me ... skip forwards to

02:51 - jesus ... skip forward again to

03:24 - hey is that a bassline I can hear buried in there?


Genre names confuse me, I've no idea what they call this sort of the stuff these days. Anyway it was too hectic and unmusical for me. Though no doubt some people are into this sortof thing. The use of the vocal samples made it slightly more interesting for me


in summary: nice use of vocal sample but couldn't handle the drum onslaught


Swinoob - Long Hall


Sounds like old movie soundtrack samples? Nicely programmed drums on top.

Some of the samples don't really flow correctly to my ears - e.g. the looped bit from 00:30 to 00:49 sounded odd somehow

Then the bit that comes after it all out of key.

Again, at 1 minute long the track washes past me without really making an impression.


Ambrose Burnside - Internal Button Pusher


00:10 nice drum rhythm, not so keen on the power tool rattle

00:14 power tool rattle changes to a different note, interesting

00:36 reminds me of an electric guitar

00:43 series of 4 notes/chords played on the power tool thing

00:57 hectic drums

01:03 I know it a bit of a cliche to say that something sounds like a drum kit falling down the stairs, but to me that really does sound like a drum kit falling down the stairs, and fast.

01:12 with the drums isolated I can hear that there is some rhythm in there

01:21 it all piles back in again

01:38 sounds a bit more ordered at this point

01:53 power tool solo

01:59 it all piles back in again for the big noisy finale


As with the other Ambrose track above, this isn't really my kind of thing but it was more interesting to me than the first one. A sortof more interesting intensity overload than the other one.


Swinoob - Mr Mime


Discordand 8-bit tuneage (sampled?) and some drums. And some reverse japanese talking?

Another short track which my ears can't get traction on.


Swinoob - 3_30


Another variation on the short track with 8-bit tunage and drums theme.


In summary:


I like the concept that both Swinoob and Ambrose Burnside are you (hence 'Split EP'). But none of the tracks really grabbed me. Either too noisy for me or too short. That said I'm probably the wrong listener to review this because 'breakcore' or whatever is evidently not my sort of thing - maybe I'm too old.


If all the 8-bit things are samples then I'm left with the impression that you're very good at drum programming but not strong at writing tunes, because there's very little evidence of musical composition in this EP. (unless I've got it wrong and those aren't samples)

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Guest tht! tne

f4f: i also like how the bass ducks out the other sounds, like zazen said.

yellow rift tide: the drums start to double up just as the sample kicks in, that's clever, gives a double impact. surprisingly i could stomach this despite the noisier aspects, usually i can't stand that. i still don't like noise for the sake of noise, but in this track it wasn't so bad i had to turn it off. i actually may have been my imagination running away with me but i thought i heard a recognizable sample under all the noise about ¾-way through.

long hall: nice contrast with the beginning of this to the end of the previous one. i am in the camp that still likes to hear amens, and yours are nicely arrayed.

internal button pusher: i didn't like this one because it just didn't feel musical enough.

mr. mime: this is the point where i started to lose interest in the ep, which is ironic because mr. mime begins engagingly enough but i just had a bad taste in my mouth from internal button pusher. what i did like about this as i fast-forwarded around and through it was the counterpoint of the foreign-language vocal sample.

3:30: i did like the tempo changes in this.

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Guest Glass Plate

Wow thanks for this great feedback.

It's Scott McKenzie's "Are you going to sanfrancisco?" that is sampled in Yellow Rift Tide.

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