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zazen last won the day on August 4 2022

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  1. Its fake and thats why the account got suspended as per the manipulated media policy. The point of the 'stay informed' warning is to flag it as manipulated media. full run down by dailydot: https://www.dailydot.com/debug/twitter-api-leak/ Okta is like a single-sign-on service so wouldn't have anything to do with moderation/validation “We can confirm that this is definitely an invalid url and we confirm the screenshot is fake,” an Okta spokesperson said.
  2. things she's got going for her: right sort of age, Trump now looks very old physically fit (think about how Hilarys age, Trumps age, Bidens age has been talking point for last few elections. Remember that footage of hilary (apparently) fainting and being bundled into a van?) now Biden is out, Dems can campaign about Trumps mental decline etc Wildcard candidate, instead of a long boring primary she's just dropped in. Surprise! Which means she's different from the sort of person that would normally win a primary (boring, safe option usually) She's a prosecutor and Trump is a perpetrator (she's already made that point) Interesting demographic - female/black/asian Trump campaign were not expecting/prepared for this, e.g. JD Vance might not have been their vice pick had they known Yep she's behind in polls but much better chance than Biden You're right she didn't make much impact as vice but that might have been internal dem shenanigans, e.g. Bidens team would have wanted to keep her sidelined to suppress the idea that he might be too old etc. She will have been fighting internal headwinds but now with all the dems behind her she might come accross different. edit: a poll done since Sunday puts her 2% ahead https://www.reuters.com/world/us/harris-leads-trump-44-42-us-presidential-race-reutersipsos-poll-finds-2024-07-23/
  3. That soundbyte is from when she was "was asked to 'break it down in laymen's terms for people who don't understand what's going on". she continued with: 'It goes against everything that we stand for there are terms that we use we say we respect the sovereignty the territorial integrity of countries, right? their independence. Russia has gone into Ukraine militarily unprovoked, with no justification other than to exercise its power to take over another country.' If we asked Trump to explain Ukraine/Russia conflict in laymans terms what would he say? Probably some shit like "Well Ukraine, let me tell you, its all about Putin, great guy Putin, I went to see him last year ... anyway Ukraine is a country in Russia and (etc etc)'
  4. polls, up to a few days ago, trump 2% lead against harris https://elections2024.thehill.com/national/harris-trump-general/
  5. Blast from the past So if she gets the nom who should her vice be? Newsom? Buttigieg?
  6. @cern you raise a good point. Here's my take but I'm actually in the UK so probably biased but anyway: USA being a two party system means they are both always hovering near 50% and fighting over the small amount of undecideds in the middle. Two party system also makes it very hard for any third parties to get started. USA politics in global terms is pretty narrow and boring, there's not much of a spectrum really, you've got "right" and "center-right" arguing with each other But winning the USA election is also the most important thing in the world, like objectively, so much power there up for grabs So both sides have been upping the ante for decades. Because you need to get people motivated to go out and vote. So its not just 'our side is right and their side is wrong'. Its 'their side is crazy and they are going to destroy everything'. Every change of president in recent history has been contested by the other side as illigitimate: GW Bush: 2000: florida recount controversy, Dems say he cheated Obama: 2008: the birthers saying he wasn't a citizen Trump: 2016: Dems say he cheated by using russian psyops etc Biden: 2020: maga say the election was stolen etc Clinton 1992 was a bit before my time but was there a similar controversy then? Something about Clintons propery deals and they tried to impeach him? Which is to say that the stakes are so high for the US presidential election that the gentlemanly response of 'aw shucks we didn't win this time, lets regroup and try again in 4 years time' never happens any more. Because both sides need to keep their voters angry and engaged. So its always 'they cheated and the media is biased and they are going to destroy democracy and this next election is the most important one ever' THAT SAID: I do think Trump is a bit dangerous, in a sortof rambly chaotic kind of way, but I think its important to see it all in the context of what I've explained above. He'll probably win, and like I said in earlier posts, the people voting for him do understand what they'll be getting mostly so what can you do? Dont panic, keep him in check then hopefully we can wave goodbye to him for good in 2028.
  7. Yes anything that auto-updates, theres a big responsibility on the makers to test properly. Especially if its a low level thing like an OS or security software that sits close to the kernel. They should have a whole battery of tests, different environments and then phased roll outs with a close eye kept looking out for problems. You can bet that Apple, Microsoft and Google/Android test their OS updates exhaustively. Sometimes their updates break things but its usually subtle or obscure. CrowdStrike were supposed to be very trustworthy which is why lots of highly-regulated industries like airlines and banks and hospitals were using them. They literally had an update that instantly blue screens any PC it touches, and somehow they sent it out to the whole world without fucking noticing? Complete cowboys. And they are supposed to be enterprise level trusted purveyors of security software. It'll be interesting to see how CrowdStrike try and justify it (they need to think of the shareholders, after all) but if there's any justice in the world CrowdStrike deserve to go bankrupt the minute they've finishing cleaning up this global bullshit that they've caused.
  8. can't discuss it, my computer wont boot up
  9. I actually think this ear bandage thing is ok, its obviously meant in a kind of humorous/sympathetic way. Like its a badge to say they like trump but also it has a goofy air to it. And also it has the air of 'all the other kids wear fake bandages so the kid at school with bandages feels less awkward'. edit: I guess I think its an ok thing to do at a convention but if people start doing it in real life for the next few months, that would be a different matter. You can bet that in the Obama era if he'd been shot in the arm or something and ended up wearing an arm bandage loads of people would suddenly have started wearing arm bandages.
  10. It would be so refreshing to have someone younger than 60 running for President.
  11. About a year ago, the dems had to make a decision about Biden running again, taking into account things like how it would look for him to step down after one term, his age, his rate of deterioration, what other challengers there were. Evidently they decided "he's old but he beat trump last time so he's the best person to run again" and evidently they thought they could stage manage what was happening to minimise PR damage from him obviously being a bit old and doddery. And they made a call and since then events have gone against them. Just how it goes. If they had decided not to run with Biden a year ago, we might be looking at a different problem now, maybe a different candidate who made some missteps and was now struggling. Who knows. Trump was looking quite 'weak' about a year ago, multiple pending court cases, ranting away to himself on truthsocial etc. But since the first debate, the supreme court ruling and now the shooting attempt, he's looking a lot stronger. In 2016 he was just the weird rich celeb bullshitting his way to the top, and everyone was like 'wtf is this actually happening'. But now in 2024 people know what they're voting for, and he's got a genuine 'beating the struggle' narrative behind him, and on an objective 'can he actually do the job?' basis, as crappy as he is, he might actually have the edge over Biden. So he's probably going to win, which doesn't necessarily mean disaster. Mostly his administration style is chaos and bluster. He just needs to be kept in check and when he tries to anoint a successor for 2028 like JD Vance it will probably go wrong because he constantly throws colleagues under the bus etc. Trump is going to keep trying until he gets his second term so you might as well get it over with
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