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Ambient set


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This is a pretty fun attempt at a 40 minute sleep-type ambient set. I've composed all the tracks, they interchange smoothly to the point that you don't know where one ends and the other begins.

There's some minor beats but mainly melodies and experimental atmospheres conducive for a relaxing environment. Some dark ambient at the end.




Also, a bonus track if your attention span is shorter. I posted it earlier in the wrong section. Basically electronic music and acid, it's pretty good.


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Guest tht! tne

regarding the bonus track, i liked the acidy elements of it, some nice timbres in there but it ended too abruptly for me

if i were you i would've condensed the track and made it a part of a suite or just a longer more various track

there weren't enough new ideas brought to the table in the track as it was to justify its length, imo

although it was nice to listen to while it was on it didn't leave me with a lasting impression

the ambient set i thought had some great moments in it but again i would like it condensed, would have a stronger impact that way

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