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lost season 5


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Guest catsonearth

jin and rousseau never talked directly in the early episodes, but they were both in the same place at the same time during some scene where she comes to their camp on the beach.


i guess it's not a huge plot hole, but if the whole time travel thing had been a part of the story from the start then it would have been a lot more effective on many fronts to have rousseau recognize jin. not only would it be an out of nowhere, wtf, foreshadowing creepy moment at the time if she just randomly freaked out and started shooting at jin, but it would also reinforce the idea that rousseau had just lost it because it would seem totally out of context. then when you go back and reveal it later that she'd seen him in the past when he was time traveling it would be more of an "ooooooohhhhhhhhhh, so that's why..." moments. but as they did it it's more like a "huh, i wonder why she didn't recognize him?" which isn't really what you want your audience thinking about and adds fuel to the "they don't have any idea where this is going" fire.

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i thought they covered that with desmond dreaming that newly created memory. so what we saw before was when rousseau wouldn't have that memory of jin anyway.

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i thought they covered that with desmond dreaming that newly created memory. so what we saw before was when rousseau wouldn't have that memory of jin anyway.

my thoughts exactly; if she were still alive, she would all of a sudden remember that instance of seeing Jin in 1988, much like Desmond had woken up from a newly-imbued memory.

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i thought they covered that with desmond dreaming that newly created memory. so what we saw before was when rousseau wouldn't have that memory of jin anyway.

my thoughts exactly; if she were still alive, she would all of a sudden remember that instance of seeing Jin in 1988, much like Desmond had woken up from a newly-imbued memory.

i hope we haven't ruined the conversation by knowing what's up

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Guest awkwardsilence

So it hasn't been brought up yet, but after this episode we know now that "the sickness" was neither radioactivity- nor timeskip-related.


With the way Robert was talking in a calm way and knowing all about the security system and temple all of a sudden, but somehow supposedly being not quite himself, as well as dead-body-brought-to-the-island Christian Shepard talking for Jacob but couldn't help Locke out with the donkeywheel and bringing out a hello to his son, I'm thinking we're talking about some wierd smokemonster possession/reincarnation deal here. Taking on the memories of the possessed. (This also happened earlier with Mr.Eko's dead drug-runner-priest brother, Yemi. Also, most possibly, newly armless Montand shouting out of the hole about being okay. I mean, it guess it must have been dark down there for sure, but he should have been screaming his lungs out after loosing an arm and falling like that.)


I'm guessing Locke will come alive again when he comes back, by being possessed by the smokemonster/Jacob, thereby becoming the "new" Jacob.


It's coming together, but we're missing some puzzle pieces, still.




(oh sweet, post #500)

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Guest David R James

At the moment, even though we are getting closer to knowing more, this season has suddenly made me less excited, it just seems slow or something.

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Guest awkwardsilence

Yeah, rewatching the episodes, I think the show has lost some of that stand-alone dramatic feel after ditching the flashback structure. It's become a more straight story now, dramatically, more of a fill-in-the-gaps mode, of pulling the loose strings together.


What I mean is, the episodes have become more abstract, a part of the whole of the season, as opposed to earlier, when the episodes were more grounded, telling a specific story every episode.


Or, perhaps it's me just being depressed, I dunno.

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i disagree, the present-day (?) scenes with the 60 hours or whateverthefuck deadline have been very fast-moving

the island stuff is slower-moving, but delivering answers


i actually think this is my third-favourite season so far after seasons 1 and 2

i hope they don't fuck it up

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Guest David R James

'smokemonster possession/reincarnation' i can see where ur coming from yeah. 'Death' has started to croping up again, remember when u thought that they were all dead and in heaven or something.


There are things that are cropping up that u think oh yeah or wow, but sometimes it all seems really obvious, but maybe thats is because the pieces are just coming together, but thats what has lost the magic for me at the mo i think, its all abit too obvious.

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the appearance of the temple is the biggest thing in the large-scale plot arc

they have been talking about the temple in podcasts, and filming scenes on that set apparently, since the start of season 4

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Guest David R James

I dont read up on any lost conspiracies or anything because i just dont want to know. The only one someone has told me about is that it has something to do with aliens, but this is something i hope is absolute bollocks but alot of people are into this idea. Why did the ruins of the large statue only have 4 toes?

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There are things that are cropping up that u think oh yeah or wow, but sometimes it all seems really obvious, but maybe thats is because the pieces are just coming together, but thats what has lost the magic for me at the mo i think, its all abit too obvious.




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I dont read up on any lost conspiracies or anything because i just dont want to know. The only one someone has told me about is that it has something to do with aliens, but this is something i hope is absolute bollocks but alot of people are into this idea. Why did the ruins of the large statue only have 4 toes?


that is one theory flying about

but this is the internet, a place populated by rumours, assholes, opinions and the opinions of assholes regarding rumours.


i don't think it will be omg aliens did it. i would be very disappointed if it was. indiana jones disappointed ^ 3.



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i was worried about the time travel thing before this season, really. on the most part the execution is ok. plus we already knew there was weird spacebending (heroin plane) and electromagnetic shit and what have you, so time isn't too big a jump from there.


i can't see anyway they could execute an aliens turnaround in the last season in a similar manner, where the majority of viewers could manage the big increase in demand on their ability to do suspension of disbelief (the magic of the movies)!


or in tl;dr,

time travel: yes, aliens: a bridge too far

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Guest awkwardsilence

Yeah, totally. A couple of seasons ago, I would have said getting off the island, timetravel and aliens all would have been "ridiculous, and the show has totally jumped the shark, man."


Actually, I remember feeling the show jumped the shark when they introduced the hatch interior and pushing the button in Season 2 aswell. "Technology and computers on this sweet mysterious jungle island!?? WTF!??"


They've been doing a great job with introducing new elements to the show though, the Desmond episodes have eased us up nicely for the bigger-scale timetravel we're seeing now.


Still don't know about aliens though, I think that would be going too far.

At least at this point. Hmmmm. :ermm:

Nah, it really would be too far.

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Guest David R James

When lost first started u had no idea that it would have the sheer size and scale of a story line it has now become. I thought this was an idea that could be plausible in theory if u know what i mean, something that actually could happen in real life, kind of scientific, something with a possible 'non-fictioness' to it. And with the dahma coming in in season 2 i felt that this might be right, i thought maybe they were scientists studying this, but as things went on it became a more imaginary landscape which dissapointed me greatly.



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Actually, I remember feeling the show jumped the shark when they introduced the hatch interior and pushing the button in Season 2 aswell. "Technology and computers on this sweet mysterious jungle island!?? WTF!??"


the end of s1 (deus ex machina onward, including that episode) and the first couple of s2 (up until lockdown, including that episode) are my favourite streak of lost episodes out of everything so far. the late 70s tech in question and the geodesic dome, also i am a sucker for anything dharma-related really. i love those hippies. the sheer insanity of the idea of the button, leading to addressing the nature of pushing the button - and fuck it, the nature of tedium itself...


i thought that was well good.

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Guest awkwardsilence

Sure, I'm loving it aswell, but I thought it crashed with the more naturalistic tropical island feel of Season 1 at the time. Seems every new season is sort of an abrupt change, but in the end the specific nature of each particular season is really one of the good things about the show.

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Guest catsonearth
i thought they covered that with desmond dreaming that newly created memory. so what we saw before was when rousseau wouldn't have that memory of jin anyway.

my thoughts exactly; if she were still alive, she would all of a sudden remember that instance of seeing Jin in 1988, much like Desmond had woken up from a newly-imbued memory.


go back and read my post - i said in there why this wouldn't happen to rousseau. in short, what faraday did with desmond never happened the first time around, thus the memory was spontaneously created in desmond's mind - partly because desmond's mind reacts differently to the time traveling (or so they say). the same wouldn't happen to rousseau because nothing was changed in her timeline - we're to assume that in 1989 she and her crew crashed on the island and met the time-traveling jin, who told them where to find the radio tower so they could leave their message. that's what always happened. desmond didn't remember his interaction with faraday in the past because it hadn't happened until faraday changed that small detail about desmond's past. as soon as he did that, desmond suddenly remembered doing it. you'd theoretically only have the spontaneous memory if someone had gone back in time and changed something minor about the way your past played out.

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