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pub roleplay thread

Guest idrn

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Guest Sir Winston

Its a Manchester lager.


Diamond White is for kids, and parks.


Or the bloke who sits at the bus stop near our house every night.

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Guest abusivegeorge
Its a Manchester lager.


Ah, sounds like our equivalent local brand "Geeza", will that do?


Ice please mate, two cubes.

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lol I don't know why I'm picking on you, I think its coz you're our pot washer.


I don't mind, it's Roleplay Land®, where anything is possible!



Like this:


*pisses perfectly mixed scotch and soda*


*shits mixed nuts*



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*washes, dries, and mirror-polishes a pot*


*smiles in accomplishment*


*smashes pot into mrcopyandpaste's shin*


McGriff can feel like a regular if he wants to, or there's more pot-smashing where that came from. In fact, anyone can feel like a regular here, even without FiberSure.

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