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how i make a capuccino

Guest boo

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skim milk always works better for froth, if you do not know this, you have never made a cappuccino.



"First, you should always use skim milk as skim produces a better froth than 2% or regular whole milk. (Of course you can also use soy milk in either version, but with different frothing results.)In the end you want to have a drink that is about 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, and 1/3 froth. A cappuccino tastes stronger than a latté because it is "drier"."


from ehow.com......i could cite more but I don't want to embarrass anyone with my extreme coffee sculpting skills.

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Guest zaphod

yeah that sounds like nonsense. i worked at a coffee place in high school and a skim milk cappuccino is not any easier to make, in fact it's harder. the only thing that produced less foam was soy milk. whole milk always made the best foam.

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