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I need help with X360 Extender


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So I got the xbox extender working in that if I go to the extender on the xbox I can stream music but I can't seem to get it to work in the xbox media section so I can play it overtop of games or use it with the visualizer?


does anybody else know how to do this? I've seen it done before but I dunno how.

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i think its too much hasstle,i tried before to stream films over to xbox360 from windows media player but it tells me to install some service pak or somthing, i cant be arsed, if i want to listen to music (never on xbox360) i just plug my exhd into it, works instantly..



but i hate windows media player & the media center, i find no point in it. there are 3rd party apps to watch films if i to watch films on my laptop (mostly subtitled films, because xbox dosnt allow the str. subtitle files to be read with the film)


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Guest catsonearth

i don't know what the extender is, but i use a program called "tversity" for streaming movies, music, pics, whatever to my xbox from my pc. you need the codecs from the most recent windows media player for it to work, but aside from that, you never have to touch wmp. works like a charm for me. you can listen to music while playing a game, no problem.


xbox dosnt allow the str. subtitle files to be read with the film)


yea, this is really annoying and it seems so easy to fix with an update that i'm still really pissed that they haven't bothered to fix it.

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After much failing, I finally got everything to work using the Zune software to stream to my 360 - and sharing with all 360's.

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Guest awkwardsilence

Yeah, I use TVersity too (tversity.com, it's free) which is very much less of a hassle than WMP/extender.


Only thing with the 360 though, is it automatically packs all the shared music together in one bunch, so if you have a bunch of singletrack mp3's laying around, you're going to browse through a lot of stuff when you browse by albums/artists on the 360.. Although that problem is solved by just keeping your music collection neat and sorted. (Or just don't share your random/single track folders on TVersity.)


On the PS3 it's a whole other story, there you can browse by folders.

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Yo - you should be able to access your music on your computer via the xbox using Windows Media Player without having to use the extender at all. That will make it available for use over the back of games, with the visualizer, etc.


You can also stream videos from your computer library without too much issue as long as they're in the right format, without the extender.




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Use Winamp Remote or Orb (same thing) instead.




After much failing, I finally got everything to work using the Zune software to stream to my 360 - and sharing with all 360's.




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Guest heliumbaboon
Use Winamp Remote or Orb (same thing) instead.





Nu-uh. I just magically appears under 'select source' on the video/music/photo tabs if your PC is running it.

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