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Knob Twiddlers
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  • Birthday March 24

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  1. Anyone else at the Montreal show tonight?
  2. Reachy Prints Scintilli Spokes Double figure Polymer Feorm Falorx RPC NF3 Digging remedy Haven't listened to their other stuff enough to have much of an opinion either way.
  3. I'm pretty ignorant of music theory in general, but I'm often struck by how distinct plaid's melodies sound. I figure that a lot of it has to do with the unconventional chord progression which does all sorts of cliffhanger and sour resolution work, but I feel like just their choice of notes in general is very indicative of their style. A couple tracks that particularly embody this sound: Zeal Thank At last Unbank Hawkmoth Los Dancers Modenet Is there a more specific way to describe their melodic tendencies in terms of music theory?
  4. I might have considered the thread topic more carefully if I knew it was still going to be active 13 years later
  5. I think it's because Autechre simply doesn't qualify for the label "music" by most people's definition. I used to dismiss that as a completely ignorant mentality, but I have kind of come around on that opinion. I love Ae as much as anyone, but their work resembles music in the way that Picasso's work resembles actual people. People who are used to, and expecting to see a classic semi-realistic painting of a person is going to be totally off-put by something like The Poet. As interesting a piece as it is, it resembles a person in the faintest sense of the term. About the only thing it has in common with a more classical portrait is that it is a bunch of paint on a canvas. There are vague hints of human-like features but you need to look to even see those. Over the years I've realized that while my need for Autechre is rarely quenched by other music, my need for other music is rarely quenched by Autechre. They are separate mediums in a lot of ways. Autechre is where I go to for exploration, intrigue, novelty, and it benefits greatly from concentrated attentive listening. On the flip side, if I just want to have something on in the background, or listen to something to cheer up or relax or whatnot, I'm much more likely to toss on something more conventional.
  6. Did anyone see the speedrun of it?
  7. Am I crazy for saying this reminds me an awful lot of EP7? Bit of confield in there too. I needed this so badly
  8. I'm a little concerned that this one will end up taking the back seat in my Ae rotation, perhaps even after Oversteps which I hardly ever listen to. I can't really think of any tracks that have enough excitement for me to just pick them and put them on randomly, it's kind of a self-contained album. Even Oversteps has Ilanders, Treale, D-sho Qub As much as I appreciate their textures and sound design, I come to Ae for the intricate beats and composition, and I don't feel that in Sign much at all. Maybe my opinion will change in the future.
  9. I think under normal circumstances I might be a tad underwhelmed by this release, but the way life has been going lately, I really needed an album like this. I love the tonal space it sits in as opposed to something like Oversteps. It's got a hint of creepiness and a dash of melancholy, but it's overwhelmingly warm and optimistic. This album is like a hot bath.
  10. What's not to get about pce freeze? It's an exercise in discordant, dissonant chords
  11. The bastard actually manages to work out some pretty awesome transitions between tracks... something that I didn't think was really possible with most of Autechre's work.
  12. This I thought we were past this with the previous several AE releases just dropping out of the ether with little warning. Fingers crossed they drop the digital downloads several weeks early.
  13. I dug up the quote: from the AAA spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XAizLmKun4yF6oBVUhIrewYN-ZiY_9ORckmT-hF93Ho/edit#gid=0 So basically, they can do solo stuff but only if they do it under Warp? I guess that's what I'm understanding.
  14. If I remember correctly, Sean was upset with them for crediting him directly, as he wanted to be credited as Autechre. Don't ask me for a source for that though, it's just memory.
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