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Oberheim Matrix help

Guest Bramsworth

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Guest Bramsworth

I just got an Oberheim Matrix 6 and am getting prepared to set it up with a USB to MIDI interface for this PC. I've come across what appears to be the patch library of all the 1000 patches for the Matrix 1000 and am wondering if anyone can guide me on how to use them. They appear to all be in the format of .ob6. How do you use get these on to the matrix 6 exactly? Something involving getting it through the MIDI connection, correct? I've also got a whole bunch of .mid and .syx files that I assume are done in the same manner.


Basically, since I'm very new to this stuff I need someone to tell me how any of this is loaded. Hopefully that will lead to it being easier to figure out how to get any of patches I make myself through software editors for this synth onto the synth itself. :p

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Guest analogue wings

Dunno what an ob6 file is. probably sysex with a silly extension. If it's sysex, you can usually send it to the synth from a DAW with good midi


Easier way to get the Matrix 1000 patches -> download this:




Then get this:




Use the jsynthlib proggy to send the patches to the synth.


I use it with a Matrix1000, but i assume the M6 is fully compatible.


Jsynthlib also has a Matrix patch editor which is good enough for me


Not bad for a years old abandoned open source project written in java



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Guest Bramsworth

Thanks for the link analogue wings. Very helpful :)


I considered the mk2 editor, but I'm having to pay so much already for all the extra stuff just to even to get to use this synth, I barely feel like spending money on an editor if there's others out there that can do the same, and for free.


BTW analogue wings, if you've used the matrix 1000 can you confirm if there's a single patch on there that sounds like it was used on SAW2? I've seen it stated enough times supposedly it's on there yet to one confirms it :p

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Thanks for the link analogue wings. Very helpful :)


I considered the mk2 editor, but I'm having to pay so much already for all the extra stuff just to even to get to use this synth, I barely feel like spending money on an editor if there's others out there that can do the same, and for free.


BTW analogue wings, if you've used the matrix 1000 can you confirm if there's a single patch on there that sounds like it was used on SAW2? I've seen it stated enough times supposedly it's on there yet to one confirms it :p

I never bought the mk2 editor, I use the demo. I set my computer's clock back when I want to use it.


And yes - several of the Matrix 1000 patches sound like SAW 2 - a lot of the string patches.

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Since you are rocking a Matrix 6 and not a 1000, fuck the editors and just learn the interface. All of the parameter numbers are very sensibly laid out and you'll memorize all of the most crucial ones in no time. I've found that the editors just get in the way. I always just tweaked a patch as a sequence was running until I found the sound I was looking for.

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Guest Bramsworth

I'll probably be experimenting with both methods. As it is now I can't even play the thing as I have no stand to set it anywhere, and no stores near me sell a long enough midi cable or usb-midi interface :(

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