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Getting paid to listen to Alan Moore talk

Solo Strike

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For those of you who don't know I work in a secondary school - just found out from the librarian that Alan Moore is coming into work in 2 weeks or so to give a talk, sign some books and generally hang out with the kids a bit and answer any questions they might have! I'm so fucking excited. Met him before, but it'll be really interesting listening to him going on about why he became a writer etc. Plus I'll be getting paid for being there. Fucking YES. Hardcore geekout


If anyone has any decent questions to ask him, let me know here, might bring them up if I don't get too tongue-tied!

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For those of you who don't know I work in a secondary school - just found out from the librarian that Alan Moore is coming into work in 2 weeks or so to give a talk, sign some books and generally hang out with the kids a bit and answer any questions they might have! I'm so fucking excited. Met him before, but it'll be really interesting listening to him going on about why he became a writer etc. Plus I'll be getting paid for being there. Fucking YES. Hardcore geekout


If anyone has any decent questions to ask him, let me know here, might bring them up if I don't get too tongue-tied!


ask him if he is interested in the research of Mike Crowley and his investigations into what the drug Soma actually is from the Rig Veda. At one time i think Moore was a student of Crowley's teachings, or at least hung out with him a lot.

I became friends with Crowley based on our affinity for psychedelic drugs, this is how i got invited over to Shulgins house. Mike is apparently the character 'Tenzin' in Thikal who ingests pure Harmaline hcl at high doses.

While hanging out at his house one day he mentioned in passing that he used to write british comic books, i was like woah which one and he said Dr. Who. I was skeptical at first so i looked it up and found out he was totally telling the truth. Then i had to ask the inevitable, 'so..... do you know Alan Moore?' and shockingly he said yes i almost fell out of my fucking chair.


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Guest zaphod

have one of the kids say they've got cancer and their dying wish is to see alan moore shave off his beard

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i want to know if he saw watchmen




i already know the answer to this, no


i think the only movie he's admitted to watching was From Hell, he read the V script and thought it was terrible.

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Yeah I won't personally ask him about Watchmen. But I'm sure one of the kids will, so I'll hopefully still get to hear the answer! Perhaps I should get my mate in the music department to write off to RDJ to see if he'll come down with his GX1 ;)

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