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"mundane" movies

Guest tht tne

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i go up to my grandparents' house for church every other weekend and they don't have as good a tv plan as us at home

so i have to watch tbs or more frequently peachtree tv, this is also why i watch saturday night live regularly, so anyway

tbs was having a nicolas cage marathon last weekend and i watched con-air and gone in 60 seconds and then the rock

i know these are blockbusters and i usually veer towards the art-house sensibility of film consumption, but i'm satisfied

are you able to watch and enjoy movies like this, and if not would you be embarrassed to admit that you'd seen them?

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it has to happen spontaneously, like you get caught up in one on TNT or TBS or something. you can't actually set aside time to watch a nic cage movie. for me this happens a lot while I'm working, to have something i dont need to commit a lot of thought to usually makes it pretty enjoyable.

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Guest Mr Salads

this happened a couple weekends ago. i just caught the early part of the steven seagal pic EXECUTIVE DECISION until learning seagal quickly dies in the beginning. But out of some interest i kept watching and wasnt too disappointed.

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peachtree tv is pretty cool because you get a movie every night even though you run the chance of anaconda or the like

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lol church


i didn't mean that we have church at my grandparents' house but i suspect you would have lolled even if that was true

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that's why watmm is so slow on sundays


i don't know if you meant zaphod or me but get ready for 19-26 july because i'll be at revival all week on papa's dialup

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Guest catsonearth

wtf, you guys watch movies on cable tv? with commercials? and editing? that's so 20th century.


i mean, don't get me wrong, i watch tons of lame blockbuster movies just for the fuck of it, but edited for tv? my time is just too valuable for that.

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wtf, you guys watch movies on cable tv? with commercials? and editing? that's so 20th century.


i mean, don't get me wrong, i watch tons of lame blockbuster movies just for the fuck of it, but edited for tv? my time is just too valuable for that.


well for me it comes down to not having any other choice if i wanna watch tv... but tbs doesn't edit for time only content

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Guest catsonearth
wtf, you guys watch movies on cable tv? with commercials? and editing? that's so 20th century.


i mean, don't get me wrong, i watch tons of lame blockbuster movies just for the fuck of it, but edited for tv? my time is just too valuable for that.


well for me it comes down to not having any other choice if i wanna watch tv... but tbs doesn't edit for time only content


introduce your grandparents to tivo!

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Guest Mr Salads

i dont mind edited for tv. I figure its more of a waste if i actively seek it out than just experiencing it

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