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US vacation ideas


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I'll be in Montana in two weeks.


Don't waste your time vacationing to a city. You live in NY.


nice where at in Montana? My Dad's side of the family is all from Montana and i have spent a lot of time up there. That's how i fell in love with Yellowstone, not to mention Glacier National Park, but i hear most of the glacier in it have melted now :(


I'll be Montana and Wyoming. Visiting Grand Teton and Yellowstone. Mostly Grand Teton and just the general SW Montana area. But I'll be staying in Montana and just a few days in Jackson because I like Jackson. Glacier NP is probably the beset National Park in the continental US but it just didn't work out for me on this trip. Montana is a BIG state.


America is the greatest country in the world for natural scenery by far. No other country is so diverse. If you like the desert, go to Southern Utah and check out Arches, Canyonlands, Zion, and Bryce Canyon. And the Grand Frikkin Canyon is right next to it. Oh and frikkin monument valley. Beautiful stuff out Californiway too. Really, the entire Northern boarder with Canada is amazing.


As far as cities go, I really prefer to visit European cities than American cities because I am an architecture nerd. Most Amero cities are very similar with a couple of differences. Only go to Vegas if you are a scumbag.


I also shouldn't have to mention that Kauai and Alaska are the beez kneez, but that may be a little out of the way lol.



But yea, Montana is amazing. No other place like it. Yes, unfortunately, the glaciers are smaller now do to "warming".

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