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first watmm post

Guest theSun

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Guest Helper ET

deuce, stand, inspect, lol, flush, poke/prod, wet wipe, flush, call mom.


are you outwardly admitting to sticking your finger up in your anus? if so im quite pleased, as my journey to find another soul who practices the poke 'n wipe method, is finally over


how long have you been pokin away? oh me ive been a poker for a good few years now. youve got to be! youve just got to get that shit out of the rectum...why dont more people do this? if i dont have a clean break, theres almost always bulk matter in, on, and around the anus, so you must use your finger. in small circular motions, insert your finger into your anus. this has two purposes. the first, is to push back up any feces that just didnt make it out. the second purpose to poke, is of course for the wiping . i stick my finger in, push back any remaining bulk, and then gently spin your finger around in a slow circular motion, as you slowly pull your finger out. and then i repeat that again about 10 times until i feel like im clean


youve gotta get real tough toilet paper though or else it will just break before you can get it inside of you. this is why i buy charmin brand, extra resistant. nice tough stuff. i turn on the tap before and during i poop, to block the noises and also so i can moisten the paper before i insert it in the anus, otherwise, its too dry and theres to much friction and you wont be able to get your finger inside. it works pretty well, but its still not perfect. this is when the baby wipes come it. go to the dollar store and pick up a pack of baby wipes. they are absolutely perfect for the poop. its strong like disposable cloth, and is pre-moistened/lotioned for extra comfort. so after i poop, i put one of these wipes around my finger and go to work as described above


all very recommended! changed my life...

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lovely to see you back ET.. if indeed you have been away. I haven't been paying too much attention to Watmm to be honest. It feels like there has been an ET shaped hole in my life..... maybe that's why I haven't been here so much.


Watch out for those perfumed babywipes though, they'll give you bum cancer in a second (probably)

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