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perunamuusi last won the day on May 5 2022

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About perunamuusi

  • Birthday 01/30/2011

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Community Answers

  1. I prefer Architecture and Morality (I have 2 copies on vinyl) but the Dazzle Ships sleeve worked better in conjunction with the other 2 (I thought)
  2. My first 7" was something by (I think) The Clash. I bought it from Luton and Dunstable hospital fête because I liked the sleeve. However, I left it (and a football) with my shoes while I went on the bouncy castle. Afterwards, the record (and the football) were gone. My shoes were thankfully not stolen. I was probably about 7. My first 12" single purchase was "OK Fred" by Errol Dunkley. I paid 20p at a Bring 'n Buy sale at my infant school. I was probably about 7. It was some years before I could afford to buy my first brand new album which was "Strictly Business" by EPMD. I still listen to it pretty regulalrly. It's one of the best hip hop records of all time. I would've been 15 by then. I had only really bought albums on tape before that. No idea what my first tape purchase was. Probably one of the earlier StreetSounds Electro comps when I was about 10 or 11? I now have the vinyl version framed on the wall in my living room. I don't think I bought a brand new CD until at least 2001. It was either Drukqs, or Wasted Sunday by Ovuca whichever came out first. I have since lost the Drukqs CD. I was 28 by then.
  3. Yeah. That's some pretty difficult reading. Though I guess it's a slight improvement on the "trump-curious" tendencies displayed on the last few pages.
  4. I guess Cher is the handiest comparison to make when you're a man in his mid 50s who listens to Low, and not a young person who knows or cares what More Eaze and Alex G are.
  5. I dont know how or why this happened, but I am 5 episodes into season 6 of Scandal
  6. Surely hopefully, all the "fuck it I'll vote trump - that'll show 'em" protest vote crowd from 2016 won't really do it again after actually being responsible for 4 years of Trump?
  7. That was the worst penalty decision I have ever seen.
  8. Feminism dies when my dick gets hard
  9. Lonely Nait Dancer is easily one of the best tracks of the last 20 years for me, so I am looking forward to the rest of this.
  10. Happy birthday watters. maybe now would be a good time to drop the t shirt line And remember when Richard posted this mental happy birthday acid track. happy birthday the aphex twins.mp3
  11. Although I generally despise discogs scalpers, I'm really tempted to do this. Never unpack it and sell it for as much as possible because any div willing to pay £300 for it deserves to pay as much as I could get away with charging.
  12. I hope England get knocked out in the group stage.
  13. Will always prefer the original rephlex vinyl version to this tbqh.
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