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Enjoy WATMM while bandwidth capped

Guest Space Coyote

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Guest Space Coyote

If you're anything like me even though you have a reasonable download allowance per month (90gb) you still manage to use it all up, or at least the 'on peak' allowance leaving you at 15kb/s or lower for the remainder of the month.


Unfortunately a lot of the WATMM greatness we all know and love involves hefty flash avatars and moviefied gifs and this can leave you staring at a whole lot of frames with no text and a bunch of still loading images with 1cm of preview at the top.


Enter ImgLikeOpera. This puppy will only load images that are already cached in your browser from previous visits allowing for the text and body of posts to appear much quicker while leaving place holders for the images and flash so when want to load them individually, you can. The few images you select to load may also load quicker than expected without the rest of the bulk of the site competing for attention at the same time.



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wow, is the internet really thaqt bad in australia? i'm constantly paying fees for going over bandwidth for bell, but i don't think they are actually limiting me in terms of available speed. are there any other options you can go with?

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Guest Space Coyote

Yeah you can pay to download beyond the limit but those rates are notoriously bad compaired to the $1/gb ratio of the initial plan limits.


I'm on aDSL and we use it on a second dedicated phone line (still around from the dial up days). Other options in Australia are naked aDSL, which has a hefty one time installation fee I believe but saves you on phone line rental each month, or cable internet. Naked aDSL plans tend to cost more for less downloads per month though. Cable internet here is usually slower than aDSL and has smaller download/upload allowances. I think the best value options are the middle of the range download limit DSL packs or cable internet if you're not a heavy user and have it bundled with your mobile, landline, cable tv, gas and/or electric (the options for which you can bundle together vary depending on where you live in Australia)

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Guest ezkerraldean

Thumbs up for Slovenia. We're limitless!




pretty sure i don't have any limits either. although i don't actually download that much.

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